Wow, bad kid can't check the date this thread was posted, it is 1 day old. If your friend didn't want feedback, then he shouldn't have bothered posting it here. Also being 2 months old doesn't mean that it cannot be boring. My favourite montage is over 1 year old, and I still don't find it boring. Ok, fair enough, although please note that I doubt anybody who has posted in this thread knew that this was just a test. I doubt you have any idea what skills Shanon has in life. Also, how many quickscope 1v1s have you played? I doubt that it is many, and I also bet that you only bother playing them if you are against somebody who you have a clear advantage over. Oh, and Str8 Loln sounds much better than MPN. Although Str8 Loln may have clear links with Str8 Rippin, maybe the name was chosen because the members thought it was humorous or some reason other than that it sounds MLG. Please try not to spam here on Forgehub, if you can't resist posting pointless things, try something like /b/.
Hey Dave this situation was taken care of so you can leave it be now. Thanks for your great input though!