Well hello there everyone, MozeR here. Decided to sign up and hopefully become quite active here after being one of those front-page, non-registered leechers, grabbing all the content without contributing for about a week or so. Absolutely love the stuff you guys put out. To name a few: Lockdown (simply amazing), Snow Mice (whoever you are, *claps*). Not much of a Forger myself ... although I know how, I get frustrated doing. Interlocking, floating, gametype creation, all that jazz I got down; it just takes foreverrrrrr, and quite frankly I don't have the patience. Hopefully that'll change soon though. I get loads of motivation for creating my own ideas by looking at the stuff all of you put out. I do though enjoy playing all of these creations when I can find people that actually want to play them. Yes, I am currently one of those with a full friends list of 'zomg MLG lemme put on my serious face' people. And not too many of them are enthralled when I invite them to a variation of sumo-wrestling with warthogs off the side of Standoff. (also very fun btw ) Hopefully some of you will be kind enough to add me on your list after I clear out mine. I'd like to get in on some of these TGIF's as soon as I get my 360 back in the next few days. Oh and I thought I might mention, not like it means anything but, some of you may recognize me from QsK ... I've been active as a contributor and Moderator for quite some time there. Well that's me ... keep up the good work forging. Some of the stuff posted here for free is twice as good as the stuff MS makes you pay for.
hey, well welcome to forge hub! I'm sure you'll find some friends here and if you want you can send me a friend request if you need a map tester or anything . my gamer tag is my user name.