This is a map I'm really proud of. The golf balls are the checkpoints and they are constantly being recycled. The best way to play is rocket race, as you can now affect the rally point and move it around. Video: Watch in HD and subscribe for much more! YouTube - "Moving Target" Halo Reach Rally Map Download: : Halo Reach : File Details
Okay this seems like an excellent idea in my opinion, but I feel there are two problems: 1. Are there soft kill boundaries in the spawning locations? People can camp in there (Not saying they wanted to) for the entire game 2. the objectives(golf balls) range is too small. It seem when you drive into the area, you run into the golfball because of the small size of the area, and that could slow you down. I do like the ball return idea to keep them off the field. That is indeed clever. They could come out any way they wanted to.
this is friggin genius, love the idea if you test it some time drop me a line id like to get in on that game.
Wow looks amazing At my first look i was intrigued but by the video i wanted to turn on my Xbox right then and play! But i agree with Maxx Ray 006 on those 2 problems.
The rally points are definitely big enough to avoid the balls. It's a matter of skill really. And as for the camping, i have no idea why someone would camp in a Rocket race map. There would be no way to win. Im sure if i played with someone like this i would just boot them.
Wow, just wow. I didn't realize the capability with Rocket Race. When I saw your first map (or at least the one I saw first) "Tic Tac Death", I thought to myself "Wow, what an amazing idea." but there was some problems with that. (I.e. Sometimes the kill balls would pop out of the track) but after watching the videos for this and "Tree Of Life", I was astounded at the innovations of Rocket Race. I love the ball return, how'd you come up with that? LoL. Just got done playing them and get are loads of fun, more of a mini-game to me, than a race.