I have seen quite a few amazing movies on Netflix over the past few years, and most of them have been hidden gems that I have never heard of before watching them. Im sure there are a bunch of great ones that I havent seen yet, but there are a couple that I highly recommend. The first is a documentary of sorts that follows two climbers on an amazing survival story. This movie came out right around the time 127 hours did and was much better in my opinion. It is also a true story, but has the actual climbers commenting on the story as the actors play it out. The story is great from the start to its unbelievable ending and anyone who likes action or survival stories will love it. It is called "Touching the Void." The second movie is the reason I am writing this article. I love really weird movies like "Being John Malcovich" and "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and I cant think of anything else to compare it to. I dont want to give anything away whatsoever because it will ruin the movie for you, but just be prepared for a trip. I also recommend watching it with your girlfriend (if possible) because it will definitely give you something to talk about. It is called "The One I Love." If you watch it, let me know what you think. We can discuss spoilers in the comments. I would say this is the best movie you probably haven't seen. 1-11-15 Birdman was great. Michael Keaton deserves an Oscar for his performance and I can't see what he does next.
Shawshank Redemption, Jacob's Ladder, and Flash Gordon. One is very good, another weird and confusing, and the other is so bad that it is awesome (Queen also did the soundtrack for this one).
Over the past couple of months I've been watching some of the class movies with titles beginning with "American". For those of you who haven't seen 'em, I'd definitely recommend American Beauty, American History X and American Psycho.