Hey Guys, I'm working on a Enders Game map for Halo 4 Which if you haven't read the book, it's a zero g testing chamber. The object of the game is to eliminate the opposing team or to get at least 4 players to the oppositions zone. The testing chamber consists of floating “Stars” in order to provide cover and tactical strategies. Along with having objects along the walls to cling to. Anyways, I’ve got the chamber constructed and the zero g to a level I find acceptable (Partially overlapping gravity zones combined with an overall player trait zone of 75% gravity and everyone gets thrust packs. It’s not complete zero g but it works and is kinda fun. So anyways, I’m trying to figure out how to use normal physics crates in the zero g space and have them so they don’t respawn. I’ve learned that the largest crate this will work with is the Large Crate, I set it to spawn at start and to NEVER respawn. I want it to float around during the entire match. But, it doesn’t it eventually resets after a fairly short amount of time. Can you guys tell me how to Make a crate spawn at start and then remain floating around the map the entire match? Also, Do you know if there’s a way you can spawn a “Fixed” Physics object as “Normal” and actually have it behave like a “Normal” object? Much appreciated
I suspect what you're really asking about is an objects tendency to "despawn" after a time period. What seems to be the case is that when an object is moved and left untouched, it begins to consider despawning. If no one is viewing the item , then it will be faster. Someone here probably knows the mechanics better than me, but that's what I've noticed. In H4, yo ucan't count on an object once moved, to stay put in its new location. I created a test map similar to what you're talking about above... I may have actually used the same settings for your zero-g effect or very close. It allowed the player to pretty much float and rarely drop back down to the floor. There was one additional secret that I'll save for a future map, but you pretty much nailed it with your setup. I noticed that there seemed to be no consistent time for the crates to despawn. If your map can handle it, that is, if it fits your gametype and theme, just make them RESPAWN quickly so their absense won't be missed for long. There's always a chance someone else has figured something out that will work better... I guess we'll see who replies.
Thanks for the reply JKAddict, That is the problem I'm encountering. The Crates seem to despawn at random intervals. I did play around with the respawn settings and Min/Max values, but it didn't really help. The thing is, I really need these objects to not despawn, as the object of the game is to actually incorporate these objects as Cover. Since the game is setup with 2 shots from a plasma pistol to kill, cover is super important. Being behind one of these crates and it despawning resulting in a death would pretty much nullify the point of the game. Do you know if vehicles have the same problem? I had considered using floating warthogs or wraiths, but would like to avoid it. Thanks Edit: Is there anything that could be done with the spawn sequencing?
question: When you're in actual game mode and not forge, what happens when someone is actively viewing the crate and using it as cover? I think if they are staring at it it won't despawn nearly as fast... ?
I haven't even tested it with other players. I just noticed them despawning in customs and was trying to figure out a way to fix it. I wasn't aware that player proximity altered the despawn time. I'm going to have to try it out. Thanks again. Anyways, what was this "Secret" for Zero-g you speak of?
you know what the hell? I probably won't make a map that features it anyway... here's the trick. The floor of a zero-g room is still "sticky" like you're wearing magnetic boots. If that's not what you're going for, you can phase the orange side of a one-way shield door into the floor so that it is not visible, but still has the bounce effect. when player hits floor, he is give a very slight bump against it as if newtonian physics were at work. Equal and opposite reaction... think about it, true zero-g would have you start flying as soon as you take a step, because your foot is pressing against the floor. equal and opposite reaction would push you skyward. So, that's what this simulates. Good luck