i was wondering if there are any items that can be pushed by the man cannons but i want items the size of blocks of sandtrap on halo 3, i really hope they bring blocks that can be pushed by cannons, i also want back pallets, and lastly i wish you could still the trick where you could make something float in the air but as soon as you touched it it fell mainly for custom gamemode ideas but it really helps in my forge
You could use dice, or just use objects in the blocks category with the physics set to normal. And the "in the air until you touch it" thing can be done by placing something with fixed physics, then letting go and bringing up the options without grabbing it, and setting it to normal.
Crates can be pushed by mancannons. The thing is though, man annoys in reach arent very good at pushing other items fast and hard. If you check out the Tips n Tricks thread there is something on crate ' traps '. And this really should be in reach forge discussion Crates can be pushed by mancannons. The thing is though, man annoys in reach arent very good at pushing other items fast and hard. If you check out the Tips n Tricks thread there is something on crate ' traps '. And this really should be in reach forge discussion
lol Objects under scenery and gadgets on forge world will still be movable in custom games. All other objects will be fixed in custom games even if set to normal physics. A number of other maps have more movable objects some including pallets. I know Sword Base has pallets and the Sandbox sized boxes you were looking for.
That works until you load the map again. Everything just falls as soon as you re-load it, I tried it for a map a while ago and was disappointed that it wouldnt work the way I wanted it to.
Pallets and Crates can be found in almost all non-Forge World Maps: Countdown, Sword Base, Powerhouse, Highlands, Boardwalk etc.