Sandbox Mountian Climb

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Xang, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Mountian Climb is my brand new jumping map made in the main area of Sandbox. I decided to make this map one day since i was really bored because i got banned from live... Anyways the main point of the map is that there is a very tall structure in which you must jump your way to the top. The map contians many objects to jump on, there are some short cuts as well meaning you should really watch were your jumping. There are no checkpoints, meaning if you fall its back to the beginning for you. There is not that much to explain about the map other then it has lots of jumps and WILL get on your nerves... O yea dont worry folks because there are no ghost jumps and what not, although there are quite a few curve and crouch jumps. I suppose i will show the pic of the map.


    The overview of the map, as seen its reaches the hight limit of the main area and contains many jumps. Like i said there isnt much to show about the map, so i will only have one other pic.
    View of bottom part, well i just call it part 1.
    View of part 2. (middle)
    View of final part.
    Here is a pic of my getting to the very top and winning!!!

    Thats the map and feel free to download HERE

    And the gametype is HERE
    #1 Xang, Jul 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  2. T3H Sniper King

    T3H Sniper King Ancient
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    This looks insane! Never before done.
    The interlocking looks very legit, and I can see myself falling nonstop.
    A download from me.
  3. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    nice looks pretty intense very jumpy and hard looking which is anti me so no dl but i would if i was good. very nice 5/5
  4. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
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    It's be nice to include more pics of the different sides. From what I can see this map is original and challenging... It's be better to include different and original types of jumps cause from wat I can see it looks like it's just straight up jumping from platform to platform if you do this it'll end up being a great and original jumping map instead of one you made just while you were banned from live. Overall great job
  5. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    Very good idea and it was quite fun, as well as challenging. One thing that you could easily add would be a checkpoint system. Simply place reciever nodes on some of the ledges and put an object over them, such as a pallet. Then, when the climber reaches a certain checkpoint teleporter, they just push the pallet off of the node and then it becomes active. At the bottom, there can be sender nodes so when you fall you can easily restart at the nearest checkpoint. This is not needed, but it can quite possibly add to the overall appeal of this map.
    #5 Blue Pariot, Jul 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2009
  6. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    this map looks very fun to play. i like the mini games other than the serious mlg and aesthetic maps, you should put falling walls or barriers to symbolize and avalance or something. 5/5 great originality
  7. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Not original at all, but I must admit, this is done very well. I don't really like the idea of hopping up over and over again, but this is nice.

    Sporq did this on Avalanche awhile back. It got featured. That's why this isn't original. It's a bit different though, not much.
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    A jumping map got feutured? I didnt see it... Whats it called? Anyways, more pics have been added.
    #8 Xang, Jul 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  9. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Ah Jumpman, i've been waiting eagerly for your next jump map! And i am certainly not disappointed! I'm liking the change of scenery, taking a slightly different than usual approach to your jump map. Even though those jumps looks similar, i can see there are several creative and advanced jump techniques to be utilized on the way to the top. I'm excited to give this one a shot! No checkpoints, no problem...
  10. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Aha... Yup no checkpoints. The map itsself isnt really the hardest, the hardest thing you will find is a curve jump here and then. I just like it because when you fall you gotta start ALLL over again... >.>
  11. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Haha yes, you would like that wouldn't you.... Its just your style, toying with everyone's frustrations like that. I'm getting good at your maps though. This one should be a breeze!...maybe...
  12. jacster9

    jacster9 Ancient
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    I love the way how it looks so legit. very great quality!
  13. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    You asked the name of the featured map? I don't remember. Rock Wall or something. It was in one of the (2?) map pack things that got featured. It didn't have 4 sides like yours, but same idea.
  14. Cali Pr0

    Cali Pr0 Ancient
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    Looks like fun and challenging like the rest of your jump maps,will give it a try.
  15. jpizel

    jpizel Ancient
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    i love these maps even though i rarely ever finish them off of forge i will definatly dl
  16. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    The no checkpoints thing really started to piss me off so I did it in Forge and went back to wherever I fell and eventually I made it to the top. A very well made map, although nothing new at all. 4/5
  17. 12 inch winner

    12 inch winner Ancient
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    im making on like this for duck hunt but it is really annoying getting all the jumps to work! but im sure you know that. looks like it may be hard but i consider myself a good jumper so ill give it a download and show it to my other jump buddies.

  18. II Taco

    II Taco Ancient
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    Nothing special but these maps are always fun to do when you have nothing else to do so I will defenitely download it and check it out when I can. I also think this map is better off without checkpoints, it just doesn't seem to fit this map. I'll edit to talk about how fun it was.

    (also, WTF is up with all the people calling the merging etc. "legit" ? -__- )
  19. mercilesstheif

    mercilesstheif Ancient
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    alright so i downloaded this because i liked the idea, and i got to say i had some troubles, and FINALLY once i got so close to the top, i fell :( i hate my life. but seriously you made this really well, and i had fun with it. 3/5
  20. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Ouch, falling while your near the very top is harsh... Happend to me when i was trying to take the screenshot of me with the oddball. The first time i tried it out i got to the top and fell. Anyways this map will really improve your curve jumps, i know it did for me...

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