this map looks very visually appealing. and i love the moveable scenery you used (such as the wooden pallet wall). i just might have to DL this. overall i would give this 4/5 because it could be a little neater. you couldve interlocked those double boxes together in the 5th pic to make it smoother.
Your map looks great. I really like the ghost spawn because the pallets can be destroyed to make a new door.It adds an element of Bad company to the game. PS and if you need help with testing your map highway 42 once you've forged it just PM me.
you really like doing things with palets, don't you? anywho, I've seen you around the fourms a couple of times (even though you only have like 14 posts). Anywho, looks good, pallet wall is a nice touch.
I agree with even there could of been a little more interlcoking to help it flow smoother and the pallet wall should of been supported by telelporters so you can knock them over by shooting them, otherwise this map is pretty good 4/5
not to rip on you at all its a good map nonetheless but it lacks a russian feel (vodka while making it) and doesent resemble a russian city keep in mind russians are poor and dont stay at motels nice try 4/5