A Whispy & Happy Peso Creation Mother Russia! A large map that utilizes the large part of forge. Uses an innovative spawning system and has multiple levels. 4-14 players are recommended for maximum fun. Map Download: Mother Russia! Gametype: No special gametype needed. Recommended for use with Team Slayer or Free For All Slayer. Description: Mother Russia utilized the open area of Foundry. We closed off the back area with a double box wall. We decided to introduce an innovative spawn system we had been working on (I see it has already been done by other people, but when we first made the map, it hadn't been). This system has spawn points floating above mancannons. When a player spawns, the mancannon shoots them off into the map. Mother Russia is basically split into two parts - the outside and the inside. The outside area is where most of the spawns go to. One side has a warthog with a gauss, some ghosts, and some Battle Rifles. The other side has two deployable turrets on a raised area. Every few minutes, fusion coils fall on this area and explode to get rid of turret campers. To get inside, there is a teleporter in an open box in the middle area of the outside. Through that teleporter brings you to the top floor of the inside. This is designate the sniper & sword room because there are two snipers and two swords in it. Going outside this room through the shield door and down the stairs brings you to the main guts of the inside. This is the middle floor which has some grenades, a needler, and an energy drain. Going down even farther brings one to the bottom floor of the inside. This is mainly just an open area for fighting, but there is a shield door over an open box. Going through this shield door brings one to a small corridor that houses a shotgun, a regenerator, and some grenades. To get out of the inside, simply head back up to the sniper & sword room, and go through the sender node. This will take you to a small room with two teleporters - the A teleporter and the B teleporter. The A teleporter will take you to the turret area and the B teleporter will take you to the warthog area. Weapons Contained: Sniper Rifles, Energy Swords, Battle Rifles, Shotgun, Regenerator, Spike Grenades, Plasma Grenades, Spike Grenades, Trip Mine, Turrets, Warthog with Gauss, Ghosts, Energy Drain, Needler, Assualt Rifles. Here is a view from the warthog side to the turret side on the left and from the turret side to the warthog side on the right. This is the outside area of the map: This screenshot shows the warthog side. The spawn for this side is up onto of the roof above the warthog. The player drops onto the mancannon, shoots off, hits a wall, and is deflected down onto the ground floor. The Battle Rifles are on the right side of the screenshot, near the fence wall. The ghosts spawn under the warthog, behind the barriers. The shield door on the bottom left is where the reciever node for teleporter B is: [img width=800 height=600]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/xsocialmidgetsx/Screenshots/24504653-Full.jpg[/img] This view is of the warthog side. There is a direct line of fire between the warthog and the turrets. On the left side of the screenshot, there is an open box at ground floor with a shield door. This box contains the sender node which takes you to the sniper & sword room: [img width=800 height=600]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/xsocialmidgetsx/Screenshots/24504839-Full.jpg[/img] This is just a view straight into the box that has the sender node that takes you inside the base: [img width=800 height=600]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/xsocialmidgetsx/Screenshots/24504890-Full.jpg[/img] This is a view from the warthog area to the turret area. There are two turrets there, as well as some weapons behind the barrier on the right side: [img width=800 height=600]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/xsocialmidgetsx/Screenshots/24504720-Full.jpg[/img] This is the player coming through the sender node from the outside into the sniper & sword room. There are two snipers visible in this screenshot, as well as the sender node that takes the player to the A & B Teleporter room: [img width=800 height=600]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/xsocialmidgetsx/Screenshots/24504943-Full.jpg[/img] This is a view of the other side of the sniper & sword room. This view shows the two swords, and the shield door to the rest of the inside: [img width=800 height=600]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/xsocialmidgetsx/Screenshots/24505030-Full.jpg[/img] This is a view of the middle floor of the inside. The player is coming down the stairs after just exiting the sniper & sword room: [img width=800 height=600]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/xsocialmidgetsx/Screenshots/24505142-Full.jpg[/img] This is a view of the bottom floor of the inside. Through the shield door takes you to the shotgun corridor: [img width=800 height=600]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/xsocialmidgetsx/Screenshots/24505083-Full.jpg[/img] This is an interior view of the shotgun corridor: [img width=800 height=600]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/xsocialmidgetsx/Screenshots/24505192-Full.jpg[/img] Now, we head back up to the sniper & sword room and head into the sender node: [img width=800 height=600]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/xsocialmidgetsx/Screenshots/24505238-Full.jpg[/img] The sender node takes us to this room here. This room contains two sender nodes. The A sender node takes you to the turret area. The B sender node takes you to the receiver under the warthog area: [img width=800 height=600]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/xsocialmidgetsx/Screenshots/24505292-Full.jpg[/img] This is just a perspective screen shot to show where the B sender node takes you: [img width=800 height=600]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/xsocialmidgetsx/Screenshots/24505361-Full.jpg[/img]
The two swords in one place really aren't as powerful as they seem. If someone is camping there, it is easy to chuck grenades in, come in from the teleporter while crouching and assassinate them, or just grab the shotty from the bottom floor and blast them away. The map is named Mother Russia because my friend and I were thinking about what Russia looks like and how it would look as a map. Please though, don't complain about the name. It's the smallest detail. Halo is about the map, not about the name.