I was wondering which custom FX you use the most (if you use a combo, vote for those) I personally like gloomy & juicy combo the most (esp. on Avalanche) -HB
Gloomy and Juicy are the only ones worth using. All the others are way too gimmicky and can not add to gameplay at all. If anything they make gameplay worse. Especially the top two ones in the list, Nova and some other crap that doesn't even make sense to have in the game. They could have at least made some that actually added an effect instead of just a simple overlay on the image. Like perhaps a fog effect, maybe even just fog at your feet. Rain even, something a little more inventive then these stupid things we recieved. And they said it would be something of a breakthrough, something so great it will change forge... And we get this pile 'o' crap... A lot more thought could have gone into it but to be honest, it just seems like Bungie slacked off in the forge department for all the LegDLC maps. I mean they could have added a lot more items. Something more original and unique. For example the double/single box in avalanche is already present in the original maps and HeroicDLC. Why not reskin them to be forunner styled? They iced up the vehicles, why not the Forged scenery as well? I could go on forever... So I'll end it now -angry face-
I agree with you to an extent (esp. about the double/single boxes... those anger me a lot) Old Timey is very usefull if used with Gloomy and Juicy to make things very dark (my new infection map uses it to make the Ice Cave almost black... its actually pretty scary)
But that really isn't playable then... Especially to the people that only use/have standard def TVs =\ If you're trying to make a map for all to like, FX will probably only make less people want to play it. In the end people will go back to not using FXs in maps. It's a short fad that wont last... like all fads.
Juicy and Gloomy are best used together, but separately is also nice. Other singular ones I use are Colorblind and Old Timey. Pen & Ink and Nova are just aggravating.