Yes, I absolutely loved that game! Do you remember the Cow Launcher? That has got to be the most unique game itself along with many unique weapons in my opinion..
this sounds interesting, there's been mentioned a big variety and each one as good as the other but in my opinion the most unique weapon in a video game is the gravity gun why?...because its original and creative at first i felt it was done many times before, but no, it was the first of its kind, its allot of fun and who wouldn't want to pick up anything and lunge it at enemies, screw that! how about pick up the enemies. i know allot of people will agree with me when i say the gravity gun rocks, but i know something can beat it, i just cant remember what it is. and i leave you with the top ten weapons in a video game: enjoy
To prove my point that The South Park game has the most unique weapons.... check this out:
I would say the needler in halo. It is awesome. Not only is it heat seaking, but it also shoots explosive pink weapons and has songs about it! That is leet.
well ive never played most of these games, so i guess ill go with the hammer of dawn NOOB WEAPON from gears of war
Either the Morph-o-Ray from the Ratchet and Clank series, or the Wabbajack in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Both weapons serve pretty much the same purpose, turning your enemies into random harmless creatures such as ducks, sheep etc.
Well... Sonic uses his own rolling body as a weapon, so I'm going with the supersonic blue anthropomorphic spherical hedgehog. Clefairy's fingers are also a runner-up. She wiggles them random stuff happens. Samus's Morph Ball bombs are also pretty odd, if you think about it. You transform into a ball and randomly gain the abilty to lay explosives. And of course, there's Kirby's stomach. Om nom nom nom nom.
liquid nitrigon gun,from ratchet and clank:up your arsonal. It freezes your oponnets,and (strangly) upgrades from the lava gun.
Meh, I'll think outside of the box. In this case, the Fusion Coil box. A Forger can easily spawn one and throw one at other players. That also makes other large and solid objects in forge a weapon too. Also, I think the Flag is a unique weapon. Most other games percieve the flag as something you put on your back and run. In Halo, it's actually in your hands, and you can melee with it. Of course, that makes the Oddball unique too.