Maybe the saddest song ive heard ever. Emotions are of highest standards in the one, the only... Buckethead:She Sells Sea Shells Down By The Slaughterhouse... YouTube - She Sells Sea Shells by the Slaughterhouse
I'd like to officially end this thread. With of course, Kanye. YouTube - 02. Kanye West - Welcome to Heartbreak
It would have been much more emotional without the hilariously creepy video. The Kanye song was actually very good, although not really sad. Here are a couple sad songs in my iTunes: YouTube - Rise Against - Roadside YouTube - Breathe Me - Sia
Found it on Rock Band 2 YouTube - Guns N' Roses - This I love (full version music video) Axl is Sad Totally Emo Nowadays
Mmmm, whatcha saaaaa-a-ay YouTube - Dear Sister song Hide and Seek (Mmmm What Ya Say) It was a must. Shutup.