I didn't make this, but I would pay for the map. Clicky, sorry, the youtube tags are apparently broken, so I am posting a link till they get fixed. Yay! Youtube tags are back! Embedded. [youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=Jje1m9DJp8k[/youtube] Tim Grif: Spell check is a great feature that comes with Safari
Whoa. This is pretty impressive - uses both lifts on the pit. Gotta love the barrier going up the lift.
No... that was on Foundry. This is a great video on the Pit. Must've been Very frustrating... he said 4 days... wow!
I'm glad to see a goldberg that doesn't use all of the comfy tricks like "immoblies," "Shield doors" and "Man Cannons" which we use in foundry. Sweet.