Mosh Pit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by nitrotomato, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
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    [img width=400 height=225][/img]​
    Mosh Pit (Recommended 2 – 4 Players)
    Despite the curfew on such things, this Heavy Metal Mosh Pit has remained active for over 1000 years, on this ancient structure.
    Gametypes Supported: King of the Hill (Best to play with my Mosh Pit gametype)
    Download Mosh Pit
    Download Gametype
    My aim with this map was to create a unique gametype. This idea was actually conceived by my friend [frt] turbokebab, whilst we were playing King of the Hill on Guardian. We both agreed that the Mosh Pit gametype supplied with the game hadn’t been what we’d expected, and since he’s a fan of Mosh Pits, we set out to make things right ourselves. This was our brainchild.
    The map itself is played out entirely on the central section of Guardian. The gametype is King of the Hill. People in the hill have 2000% damage resistance, so can still be killed if their opponent is extremely perseverant. Everyone has Gravity Hammers and Energy Swords. The way to win control of the hill is to hit your opponents repeatedly with the hammer, until they are knocked out of the hill where you can kill them, or over the edge of a cliff. There is nothing more satisfying than throwing down a grav lift to use as an offensive weapon, to launch an opponent to their death. Apart from, well, setting fire to them before you do that. You can then keep people out of your precious hill by whacking them before they can get into the hill.
    The hill itself has undergone many changes since it was first conceived. 4 plasma and 4 firebomb grenades on near-instant respawn go all the way around the pit; not that they are particularly useful; it’s just that most people enjoy sticking other people and setting them on fire. There are 2 plasma batteries in the hill, which are great for hitting when your opponent is next to them as it sends them flying. There are also 2 teleporters on the circumference of the hill, which, when entered, cause you to teleport to a mid-air teleporter, and then unceremoniously fall to your death. There is a slight perk to using these teleporters, however. There is a 1 in 5 chance you will teleport to a room containing a custom powerup, which gives you 200% gravity, making you much harder to knock out of the hill. It is not really wise to run into the teleporters, however, but it is good to knock your opponents into them. Stuff is also thrown randomly into the hill every 20 seconds or so, but it doesn't disrupt gameplay too much. It does make for some quite amusing kills, however.
    There are also 2 mongeese for those of you feeling particularly adventurous, or suicidal. Enjoy this map, have fun!
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    Clashing hammers in the pit
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    I never knew mongeese could fly...
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    Getting rammed into a death teleporter
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    So thats why they call it a death teleporter...
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    In any other gametype, hitting an explosive barrel with a hammer would not = epic win!
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    bi bi creul w0rld
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    The better man won...
    I hope you enjoy my map.
  2. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    looks fun n most people dont make maps on guardian so ill dl
  3. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
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    Thank you. Please leave some comments for improvement, if possible.
  4. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    i just walked through it so far and it looks fun. i think the game might last to long with 3 rounds of 10 mins. but it can be changed quick in the lobby. maybe u should close off that room with the powerup, so u have to take a teleporter to get in. unless u meant it to stay open

    EDIT: the author for the game and map doesnt show ur name. i think thats a glitch though. so if u want credit u could write ur name in the description.
  5. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
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    I was considering closing it off, but I figured by the time you'd actually walked around the map to pick it up everyone would have gotten far more points than you from being in the hill. Maybe I will block it off. I am also going to update the gametype, making it 3 rounds of 5 minutes instead.

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