Mortal Kombat

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by sparten9999, Dec 19, 2008.


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  1. sparten9999

    sparten9999 Ancient
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    Mortal Kombat
    This is my First map Ever! It is based on 4 "Short Range" weapons, Shotguns, Swords, Gravity Hammers, and a single Flamethrower. The gametype is a base version of slayer. The starting weapon is the energy sword. There are three rounds in the game and the score is to 20 kills. The time limit is 5 minutes. I should also mention that there are no teams.the only real difference in the real slayer setting is the speed is at 125 % and there is no radar.

    This map is for all out brawling. It is a large box like arena where spawns are around the edges. The flamethrower is located floating in the middle of the map and is the main weapon. The other weapons are basically thrown all over the map. Shotguns would be most useful against swords and next would be the hammers. The swords are good for coming up from behind and assassinations on opponents who are currently preoccupied battleing other opponents.

    Outside of the Arena


    Weapons and inside layout

    Sword Clash


    Flamethrower kill


    There is a few thing that i cant get right. First Spawning isn't always right, it will sometimes spawn you outside of the fight zone. If you spawn outside the map I put teleporters that allow you to get back in, I have a picture (Picture A) showing 1 teleporter inside . Second, since the walls completly block you off from the outside/inside I added a 2-way teleporter that has to be changed to channel 5 to easilly get in and out of the map in forge for some editing. I have a picture (Picture B) to show you which teloporter is for forgeing. Third is not to important but somehow a teleporter reciever got spawned outside the map near the fan and I can’t get it out, so if you can tell me how to get it out thank you. There is also a picture for it (Picture C).

    A Entry Teleporter


    B Forgeing Teleporter

    C Broken Teleporter

    Mortal Kombat

    Game Variant

  2. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This looks like sum shotty maps ive seen and the gameplay is alwayz fun. thisll be fun to. good job. first post!
  3. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Ugh... I hate these. It's just mass spawn killing and full of power weapons... -_-

    The idea is not original either, although I don't remember a map like this being so large. At least it's not that cheap compared to the other ones. So I guess this may be one of the better ones.

    It's a strict 3/5 from me. Although I do like arenas, so try expanding on your idea. But what you did here doesn't take too much effort.
  4. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    for the spawning outside the map problem, you might need to add a starting point inside the map. starting points are like spawn points but determin the initial spawn in team games. and for the teleporter problem you could get into teh fan using the maching gun trick and then delete it. if you dont know what the machine gun trick is just look it up on youtube.
  5. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    Not bad.Its pretty simple but sometimes maps can be of the simplest things but still be enjoyable.Pretty nice.The only thing i would suggest is that you add some cover and clean it up a bit.Make it look a little nicer.Pretty nice though
  6. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    REVIEW: Map looks solid, i love these arena maps they are always fun, maybe add a couple of extra floors with holes for going down, to spice gameplay up and add some tactics e.g. a player is walking and someone else comes down from a hole and swords them.

    The post is actually really good, maybe add a couple of things:
    • Make a weapon list, I know its an arena map and that it's full of power weapons, but it actually makes the map look a lot better e.g.
    8x Gravity Hammer/90 sec/Spawn at Start: yes
    6x Shotgun/120 sec/2 spare clips/Spawn at Start: yes

    8x Energy Sword.. and so on
    • Add a Forging 101 list e.g.
    Forging 101:
    [YES] Interlocking Objects
    [___] Merging Objects with Map Geometry.. and so on

    Yea just think about that and Keep Forging!
  7. xLMSxTRiLoGY

    xLMSxTRiLoGY Ancient
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    Agreed but I think you should make the arena for something else make it sort of something like an enclosed map. close quaters is always fun but for this i think the lack of things inside the arena could make it unfair for the people spawning. If their is spawn shields in the gametype that is different but this box area could turn out to become a good map with the right ideas to add to it. i thimk this map is a 4/5 just because of the openness.
  8. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    I honestly can't get excited about this site anymore. Maps like this have been done a billion times and this one is no better. Yes you put in the time to forge it but honestly it's just a big box that you threw a whole lot of weapons in and called it a map.

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