Found some more gameplay videos over at GT... enjoy (not sure how to embed though). Pretty sure these haven't been posted here... at least the really recent ones. Modern Warfare 2 Video Game, Demolition Gameplay Part I (Cam) | Game Trailers & Videos | Modern Warfare 2 Video Game, Afghan Gameplay Part I (Cam) | Game Trailers & Videos | Modern Warfare 2 Video Game, Afghan Gameplay Part II (Cam) | Game Trailers & Videos | Modern Warfare 2 Video Game, Press Event Presentation Part II (Cam) | Game Trailers & Videos | Apparently there are 70 levels... wow. Hm... well all of these but the last one were posted. Oh well, that's not bad. I apologize for not seeing, figured they would've been in videos, but I'll keep them here for people who haven't seen it yet.