Moratorium- An authorized period of delay or waiting. Moratorim is an asymettric map built in Sandboxes crypt. It supports all game types, except infection. I recomend 4-14 players, although the map supports more and less. There are 2 mongeese and 1 warthog in each base. The power weapon is a rocket launcher which spawns ontop of the killball. Weapon list X4 Battle rifles x2 Brute shots X4 Pistols X1 Rocket launcher X2 Assult rifles X2 needlers X2 Sniper rifles X2 Spike grenades X4 Plasma grenades X6 Frag grenades X2 Trip mines X2 Regenerators X2 Deployable covers X1 Bubble sheild Thanks Illegal for reminding me. ^Red base, note, tripmine spawn stops warthogs getting onto the centre. ^Red base scaffolding, mongeese spawn underneath. ^Centre. ^Sniper spawn, note grenade hole in the roof. ^Brute shot spawn, note BR spawn behind. Same for each base. ^Paths at the corner of the map pistols spawn at tube exits Action shots: ^I'll pull you up! Download map->Moratorium
Did you ghost merge on this map. If yes) you prove my point about merging<map design. If no) i apoligise. Simply from looking at the pictures the map design looks too open, overpowered, and badly forged in places. In the centre having so many fusion coils together isnt really a good idea. Also about the post, Needs a weapon list. EDIT::::: First (Y)
The angled tube corner near the blue column is a very easy camping/hiding spot. I've seen intense, insane, irritating sniper + rocket camping there, behind and on top of the column.