Wow, that's pretty good. The sword looks awesome when its glowing like that. The armor on the elite shines pretty cool too. I like the background as well. Nice job.
Yeah, that is very good. Good compostion, lighting (on elite) is EPIC, moon looks 1337 and the sword is sweet! Keep up the good screens!
it looks good but did you stage it so that the moon would be there also the name is a bit weird but understandable to whoever said that theres to much space, its a good thing it would look alittle awkward if there wasn't space there because it would look to cramped
Great job. I dislike the look of that elite's armor, but that isn't something you can control. It was creative, and you did the most you could with it. Did you try it with any filters?
Picture looks pretty awesome, but any specific reason why he is purple? i think he shouldve been blue or something.
I like it. The lighting is good. As said before there is a little too much extra room on the right but it doesn't really matter.
wow, this screenshot is amazing, everything about it is jusy absolutely perfect, the colors, the position of the camera and character and the background. very nice work, i expect more from you! 10/10
Pretty cool perspective, average pose. A few gaps that ruin the look, but a good screen shot nonetheless. The glow of the sword really adds to the eeriness.
I voted "cool!" but I would have felt more comfortable with just "cool". the pose is nice with the light of the energy sword nicely highlights the elite but the title throws it off so keep that in mind for the future. Overall 7/10