
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Dilligaf, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. Dilligaf

    Dilligaf Ancient
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    Created by Dilligaf
    Supported Gametypes:
    Set up for CTF, assault, territories, oddball, & slayer (after that I got that annoying 'too many objects on map' error thing =P)
    Map Description
    An asymmetrical map designed primarily for one sided team objective games like 1 flag or 1 bomb. I'd suggest teams of at least 4, and up to 8.

    I wanted to make a map that 'felt' big. I know Foundry is always one size, but I wanted people to just look up and get the feeling that it was huge. Sound odd?

    The offense starts in the sunny side base, and have access to a gausshog, and a mongoose there. The back corridor is left open to quickly get to the dark side base where there is a chopper. The defense has no vehicles, but starts on the far end the map in an elevated 'base' with a good amount of cover and several plasma and spike grenades to try and deal with the vehicles. Also, the defense has command of the high ground, while the floor of the map is nearly completely open to allow for free vehicle movement for the offense.

    I really suck at describing maps, so check out the pictures below - or even better, download it and take a look for yourself.

    Weapon list -
    Battle Rifle - 10
    Shotgun - 1
    Sniper Rifle - 1
    SMG - 2
    Plasma Pistol - 2
    Plasma Rifle - 2
    Needler - 1
    Bruteshot - 5
    Rocket Launcher - 1 (2 shot only)
    Spartan Laser - 1
    Energy Sword - 1
    Gravity Hammer - 1
    Covenant Carbine - 1
    Mauler - 1

    Equipment - Bubble Shield x1, Power Drain x1, Gravlift x1, Deployable Cover x1, Active Camo x2
    Underview - looking up at the structure. Does this make you feel small?
    Since there's little to no scenery on the floor of the map, there's a shield door bridge running the length of it. You're safe, but everyone knows where you're at.
    A quick look down at the offense side. There's a sniper rifle on the top of this structure.
    This is a shot of the side of the defensive base.
    As much of an overview as I can provide.
    I expect people to dislike how empty the floor or bottom level of the map is, so I'll say right now that it is intentional. This is due to the fact that I wanted the offense to have access to vehicles, but not the defense. To try to counter the dominance of vehicles, I left little to no cover for them. Also, I think that by putting in too much scenery blocked the view of the floating structures above, and drew away from the oppressive feeling and replaced it with a more claustrophobic one. Maybe it's just me though.

    So anyways, all comments are welcome - especially suggestions on weapon and spawn placement.
    Download Monstrosity
  2. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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    It looks cool
  3. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    I like how you implemented the shield bridge so only vehicles can get across. May be a little hard to traverse on it with the Warthog. I think you may have put too many vehicles on this map. Foundry is not known to be very good at having vehicles on the map.

    I also like the fact that you interlocked a lot. It really makes it a clean feeling, which is good. My main suggestion is if you hadn't tested it yet, you probably should. You get really good feedback from test sessions and makes your map even better.
  4. whitelime

    whitelime Ancient
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    this looks like an original and interesting map. I am just wondering if you can get up from the bottom with a vehicle. and if you could get up, you could travel across the shield wall bridge type thing with a vehicle. i like how you left the bottom open so it's like a death box, you drop and your a gonner. making the pictures a bit bigger could help also. i'm also not a very big fan of weapon holders i would rather place it on the ground or lean it against something. but if you want the weapon suspended in the air then a weapon holder is good but apart from that i don't tend to think they go well with most maps. also i like how you have interlocked the majority of your map looks like it runs smoothly. I will be sure to d/l once i get my xbox back. :squirrel_evil:
  5. Egoender

    Egoender Ancient
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    Love the bridge look.
  6. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    looks nice is there a way back up?
  7. Dilligaf

    Dilligaf Ancient
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    The shield bridge is possible to cross, but you're right in that it's very difficult. There's a chopper available, which is a bit easier since you can use the boost to try and change direction, otherwise you are just kind of bouncing along on a goose until you jump or fall off. It's fun though.

    As for testing - yeah, I really wish I had more friends on my list that enjoyed playing custom games. Most of the people I know are more worried about rank and trying to get to general. So my only testing is with me, my son, and maybe a friend or two of his. Typing that makes me think....I really need a better social life....

    You can get on the shield bridge pretty easily (just up a flight of stairs) but actually getting up to the floating structure is very difficult, and you usually fall off as it's all only 1 box width wide. Also, I'll make sure to do 640x480 on pics next time I post something. My bad, I guessed at the sizing and was wrong. I had to use a weapon holder for the laser since it's suspended in the air, but I tend to agree with you and usually just lean them against a wall. I don't use budget glitched maps, so weapon holders just cost more budget, and it's just not as aesthetically pleasing IMO.

    To get up to the defense's base you can go over/under the shield bridge to a grav lift, or climb the first structure in pic 3 and just across, or use one of the two grav lifts there, and if nothing else, there are ramps on either side (which are suspended just a little off the ground to keep vehicles from driving up).

    Thanks for all the comments and feedback! It all helps me get an idea of what I need to work on for other maps.
  8. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    i not sure but with the name and the pictures are you ment to be fighting on top of some gigantic monster?

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