Monster Trucks on Magma Pit Created by A Hungry Dino Map Description Monster Trucks was one of my favorite gametypes on Halo 3 and Reach and was definately the first thing I made on Halo 4. I originally created the original Sandbox style map from Halo 3 but eventually decided Monster Trucks needed a ramping up and this is the product. A figure-eight shaped platform featuring two lava pits, 8 warthogs, 6 ghosts, 2 wraiths that spawn at the 3 minute mark, and gravity volumes to pull you into the pits that spawn at 2.5 minutes. Obviously the objective is to knock the other players off and be the last man standing. How me and my friends play is there is a no hijacking honour rule just to make the game a little more consistent and fair. You can choose if you want to play like this or not. Magma Pit is to be played with my Monster Trucks game type and supports 3 - 14 players. Map Download Link: Link Gametype Download Link: Link Overview of the map Players getting knocked into the lava pit More monster truck mayhem Shot of the wraith that spawns at 3 minutes and the gravity volumes that spawn at 2.5 Initially people think the ghost is underpowered and anyone who spawns with one will be easily killed, but that is completely false. If a player knows how to use the ghost properly, then they can easily stand a chance against the warthogs. The trick is to have the warthogs ram the side wing of your ghost so that you slide under them and ultimately flip them. Ramming the rear end of a stationary warthog will 75% of the time slide you under, allowing you to flip them. Just some tips for you guys. And the reason why I don't have this set up as a KOTH gametype is because there are situations when both players fall off at the same time resulting in the hills not being acurate enough to detirmine who died first. The scoring system may be a little wierd but it works. Have fun and enjoy!