Im a Beginner at sigs. I want to see others CNC so I can learn from it too. I just made that post to get everyone back on topic, but Frag man is being stubborn. It really doesn't matter who is right or wrong, you are just ruining your reputation by arguing. Just shut up and be mature about it by getting back on the topic. Thank You.
i actually like it, call me crazy but it like the sheer simplicity. Decently good mayne, decently good...
What am I suppose to CNC, when I can hardly figure out what a sig is suppose to look like? I am not a graphics expert so I don't know what is wrong with his sig. I just like reading CNC's so I can learn from them. If you want me to CNC so bad here, but I will fail at it: 1. Shadows are horrible 2. Shadow behinf text sucks. 3. Very Bland, the focal is not very standing out.
This just keeps getting better and better If everyone was not stubborn, then no one would know the truth. And are you being very mature by making fun of someone? Oh dear.
FYI Monotone can definitely be used to describe art. The signature is definitely not monotone. It is black and white. The tones used could not be any more different if they tried. HPM and frag, you both look stupid. Srsly.
I can't believe I had to point it out. Now no one does have to care about the truth, but the truth is needed.