Hi everybody Check out this map! Download: Mongoose Style Map Download: bash off game variant Map Description: You spawn next to a mongoose and you have to try and knock each other off the platform if you fall off you will loose your lives for the round. The round will continue until one person stands Overview CRASH!!! I'm falling get back on I will never die Thanks for looking plz leave some good rep and rate the map! Go to top of page to download
I'm sorry, your pictures aren't working. Please try to fix them. The map sounds fun, but unfortunatly not many people will download without seeing pictures. EDIT: sorry there wasnt another post when I posted this. Please dont infract me.
To embed pictures, save the screenshots to your computer and upload them to a site such as photobucket. Then take the forum code for said images (the ones with the words around them) and paste it here on forgehub.
it would be nice to see a discription and a bigger pic but if i look closely i think i see that you drive on top and try not to get hit
this looks interesting in a good way so is it like bumper cars i would have made this off avalanch or blackout or even standoff then when they fall they die it really is only a floating platform
wow great ANOTHERRRR bubmber cars except with mongeese seriously ive seen ssooooo many diffrent ones please no more!!!!!!!
looks similiar to that monster truck map thing on the edge of standoff except with fusion coil lagginness
this is cool, its been made, ALOT, but NEVER with mongoosses, nice job one thing that you might consider fixing is the surronding barriers, its really messy, other then that, good job. v2??