Mongoose Mowdown [FINAL]

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Dr Bowe Nur, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. Dr Bowe Nur

    Dr Bowe Nur Forerunner

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    Ladies and Gentleman, I give you...*drum roll* The final version of Mongoose Mowdown!

    Here, lemme upgrade you.


    (Forged and Designed by Dr Bowe Nur)
    Many of you may have seen my map, Mongoose Mow Down [BETA PHASE] in the minigame section earlier this week. It had some SERIOUS flaws, with both the gametype and the map. In addition, it was a very bland map, and any average joe forger could have made it.

    Well, let me say, after the last few days of demo-ing the map and taking in feedback, I have revamped Mongoose Mowdown into a seamless, aesthetically beautiful masterpiece (Okay, it's not THAT good, but its good enough). In addition to the map, I've revamped the gametype to cater to some of the newer aspects of the game (And its still a Dr Bow Nurr original, so don't expect anything less than unique when it comes to play style! :p). Lets begin, shall we?

    I'm going to post original gametype settings, and anything in bold is new. (This is for those who have already downloaded and know the basics.

    Basic Setup:
    - 1 Starting Zombie
    - (Up To) 8 Starting Humans, who spawn near Mongeese
    - No weapons on map until 1:30 (Two Grenade Launchers, one shot each)

    Zombie Traits:
    - 300% Speed
    - NO jumping
    - Sword
    - *NEW* Damage is set to normal. I will explain later.
    - Armor Ability: Evade
    - Relatively Invincible

    Human Traits:
    - *NEW* 25% Movement (Reason for change: Too many complaints about accidnetally falling off of mongoose and being screwed.)
    - NO Jumping
    - Pistol
    - *NEW* Can NOT kill. Period.
    - No armor abilities
    - *NEW* Invincible ONLY while on mongeese

    Basic Goals:
    - As a zombie, your goal is to charge (evade) into the mongeese and attempt to throw the pitiful humans *NEW* into the pit of death
    - As a human, well, your goal is to NOT get flung *NEW* into the pit of death
    - If 3:00 timer goes down, all remaining humans "win", in the sense that they don't get a negative point

    Unique Gameplay Mechanics:
    - If a zombie charges and misses, it will be teleported back into the map via 4 different "Return Boxes"
    - Should a human fall ON the mongoose, they will die. If they get off, they will be flung back into the map, but with no ability to move, *NEW* and vunerability, they will be helpless
    - Soft Killzone placed around the center structure (this is to prevent camping with a back against a wall.

    Changes to Map Over Time:
    - at 2:10, Vehicle Mancannons will spawn at 4 points on the map, if a mongoose hits it, it will fly into a kill barrier above. The zombies will be returned to the map via "Return Boxes" if they hit the man cannon
    - at 1:40, the zombies will obtain two grenade launchers, 1 shot in each, which can be used as an attempt to knock off the mongeese

    Cheating Concerns
    As we all know, no matter who you play with, somebody is going to try and exploit the game. I have done my absolute best to ensure that this doesn't happen. Below is a list of anti-"douchebaggery" precautions.

    - Zombies are invunerable
    - Humans can NOT move, thus limiting them to the mongeese for transportation. If they get off or fall off, they will be helpless
    - There is a SOFT killzone in the middle of the map, around where they spawn. This is to keep the humans from camping with their backs against a wall.
    - *NEW* Large Safe Haven around the permimeter of map makes players who leave their mongoose vunerable, as opposed to being invincible whilst on the mongeese. Effectively tromps any attempts at cheating. (ex. I knock you off, you hop off the mongoose and re-enter the map, unharmed. However, you now have no resistance to my sword attack, and can't move or jump. Good luck.)

    Ok, so there's your recap of the gametype. I made a promise when I built Mongoose Mow Down it its BETA phase: to improve it aesthetically. Well, I did just that. Here's a couple of pictures to portray the new look of Mongoose Mowdown, along with some gameplay pictures to show the intensity.

    And so, the battle begins

    Newly Designed Return Boxes (No big changes here, they're actually made kind of sloppily)

    The Pit of Death (Warning, we are not responisble for Mongeese that spontaneously combust down here)

    Overview/Outside Look (Dont worry, it doesnt look this ugly from the inside)

    One mongoose down...

    3 Zombies vs 1 Mongoose. The results may be less than desirable.

    3...2...1...Lift Off! (And yeah, the spartan doing evade looks awesome)

    Houston...we have a problem (Yeah, mancannons are still a no-go)

    There you have it! As always, please provide feedback and download the map to try it (Who knows, you just may like it!)

    I'm off to work on my next map, but will be stopping by frequently to update any flaws, and maybe even change things up a bit...who knows? :D
  2. Dr Bowe Nur

    Dr Bowe Nur Forerunner

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    Psssttt, guys...can someone tell me the secret to getting feedback or advice? It baffles me that the 20 different griffball maps get more feedback than an ORIGINAL idea...
  3. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    I'm downloading it now, maybe play a few rounds with my friends.

    And the trick to feedback is to have something completely unoriginal and unexciting, because everybody looks for multiple versions of the same shitty game.
  4. Dr Bowe Nur

    Dr Bowe Nur Forerunner

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    Seems to be the case, sadly. Please tell me how it goes. I'm looking for feedback from people other than my friends. It definitly plays best with 6-9(The more zombies, the better). It can "technically" hold up to 16, but then you have people who only ride on the back of mongeese.
  5. Hugapug24

    Hugapug24 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a great map here. A great addition to a custom games night playlist. I just had one experience where a few of the players were never able to get any mongeese riders to die. This is just something, but do you think that maybe you could have a hammer spawn after a certain amount of time has passed to make it easier for zombies who have trouble getting those pesky mongeese? If not then it still is a great game to play. Keep on making maps.
  6. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    at first when i saw the title of this, i thought to myself that it would be another shitty minigame where you knock other vehicles off with you're vehicle. when i actually took the time to click the link i was surprised that it was a new idea, not only that but a pretty fun and creative one as well. i think i'm gonna have a lot of fun playing this with some friends. great job on the forging too. as for the return boxes, that is simply genius. 7.5/10. (^_^)=b
  7. Dr Bowe Nur

    Dr Bowe Nur Forerunner

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    While it has come to my attention that sometimes people may have difficulty knocking the mongeese off, I don't know if a hammer would be the right solution. It would make knocking the humans off a cake walk (although I could spawn it with 15 seconds left)

    The way I compensate for people having difficulty is by having the mancannons spawn, in addition to the two grenade launchers that spawn for the zombies. If you can EMP a mongoose near the edge, knocking them off should be relatively easy. However, I will look into a way to add more tools for the zombies! Thanks for the imput!

    @Sea Urchin
    Thanks for the feedback! I was actually questioning the name of the map, because it might give that impression, but I wanted to stick with it. My reason being is that it's a play on words (Instead of Mongeese mowing down people, as what is commonly interpreted, its people mowing down Mongeese)

    Please tell me how it plays with your friends! I'm looking for any feedback, be it good or bad, for future map making and (possible) updates. Thanks again!
  8. xFHx Mad Dawg

    xFHx Mad Dawg Forerunner

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    how did u make it so the humans are only vunerable on the mongoose? i know u used a safe haven, but y does it only affect them on foot?!!!

    pls help me, im new to forge hub and want to make a new map, and it needs the same system yours has
  9. Dr Bowe Nur

    Dr Bowe Nur Forerunner

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    I used a fairly simple method with safe havens. I made it just low enough so that it would only affect those who were on foot, and then made it so that people in the safe haven weren't invincible.

    **IMPORTANT** Make sure to place two safe havens, if there is only one, the game won't be able to cycle through the 2 differnt ones, and a glitch will occur.
  10. DesolatePenguin

    DesolatePenguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm surprised this got as little attention as it did. It may be old, but it still works like a charm. Fantastic idea, too!

    And first post, yay!

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