Mongoose Madness Download the map here A racing map on Rat's Nest suitable for up to 12 players, this map intersperses uncluttered lengths of open space to gain speed in between turns tightly packed with ramps, lifts and corridors. Appropriate for Slayer or a custom Racing game type, this map will spawn the players near rows of mongooses, pointed in the direction of the track (counter-clockwise). You cannot go around the track backwards. If you select the Slayer game type, there are hidden weapons throughout the map to give you an edge over your opponents as you make laps around the track. There are plenty of jumps, turns, highs, and lows on this map, and there is an inside lane and an outside lane. Neither really has an advantage over the other except an aesthetic one: in some open areas one lane will be higher than the other, and in other open areas the reverse will be true. Please leave feedback on the map page at Bungie linked above if you enjoyed it.
i like the way you give the racers a choice on which way they go, but surely someone who has played the map before would have the advantage of knowing which option is the best right?
I thought of this very thing when designing it and I carefully positioned items in each lane that are staggered so for example a person in the outside lane cannot drop on top of someone's head, halting their movement. I've also placed shield doors in places that people can get hung up or fall off the world from, and each lane has items positioned so that if you take advantage of the left-trigger slide your momentum can carry you naturally through the next set pieces. I'd also like to mention that there is one bottleneck, where both lanes converge, on the map but it's followed by a good stretch of open space so if you happen to be a little behind an opponent when you reach it you can make up the distance quickly. Thanks for the comments. Please rate it at Bungie if you get the time. - Ash
"Try before you buy"... There's a video tour including the beginning of a live race on the download page for the map. Check out the vid and see how much fun this map is. There are good weapons hidden in strategic places, if you look carefully.
Update: I am working on a much smoother version of this map right now, including interlocking and a few new items that will heighten the suspense when multiple players are competing on it. If any of you who have played on this map before have suggestions please let me know and I'll include them in the new version. Thanks for your support!
Lol 16 people in the bottleneck, it would make bungie hq explode, and everyone would steal there R3C0NZ£rS
I made a track on Rat's Nest ... Its just the outside with man cannons on line to stop cheaters I'll put it up one day, when i get some screenshots