Introduction: I really could not think of any possible reason why this would go under racing.This map is about a matter of balance, sliding, and sometimes getting off the mongoose. What you do is get to the start of the mongoose miles starting point. Go up the first bridge and start your journey. It's not supposed to be an easy course it's pretty rough and tough. Although this is the first in it's series it's a pretty well placed map, but why am I saying that, because I know it's true. Anyway it's up to you to actually see how you rule against this map. Rules: Game type Rules: (King of the Hill) No Grenades Pistols Only Damage set to a little over normal Invulnerable Default Vehicles No Scoring What-So-Ever Movement is Default How to Play: Very simple game play. What you have to do is get on a mongoose and drive through the tough course. It's cheat proof for all mongoose's trying to reach the end faster, and it's fairly tough. You can make very easy mistakes and it will make you go all the way back to the start. The game takes time and practice to master. If your stuck anywhere just look around at your surroundings and find where to go. Good Luck to you all. How to win: Reach the end of the map by completing the course on a mongoose. Download: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Count: 50 September 16, 2008 If any issues or complaints please contact Lyc0sa on xBox Live (The 0 is a Zero in my name) Comments: Extra Pictures:
Did you create that royal spartan account? Not cool dude. The map doesn't look bad, but more pictures would help. Since you didn't bother to explain how it all works I don't really have a good understanding of the map. But from the picture... it looks interesting.
What's a royal spartan lol? I could try to get more pictures as soon as possible. In the mean time I gotta get bungie pro or else I can't host all of my maps lol
It looks amazing. I've never seen a map like this that you use vehicles on. But more pics would help.
You dont need to put your pics on your fileshare. Just take them and view them in the gallery and save them to your computers harddrive. Then go to photobucket our imageshack and upload them. Use the links to insert into a picture format and everything should be all hunky-dory
well it sounds like i really good idea and a good map... a mongoose skills map why not... but u need more pics so we can see the challenges i bet u r losing lots of dl for that.... there not hard to get... but this look AMAZING... sounds fun Interlocking is smooth.... i think u spent alot of time making theis right n i like it i cant wait to see the others... just put more pics on them...
ok, why is everyone on this thread just putting up spam. especially this kid above me, 3 F***ing words. come on. any way, you really need more pics. and a better expanation, cause i honestly have no idea how to play this map, you say its a race, but that you have to get off your mongoose. and thats its unescapable, which i doubt. so maybe redo your post, with more pics
Sorry guys it's been a pain waiting to get pictures for this map, but they will for sure be up tomorrow. It will include pics of almost every jump, slide, and important pieces. Please visit frequently, the pictures may be posted tonight.
keep up the good work.. ive seen various of your maps and it seems tha you are one of the best forger ive seen. maybe wee can do a map together... sounds good?
Maybe, but I've still gotta decide in my decision for a Mongoose V, because I've yet to re-construct the others.
Wow cool a mongoose obstacle course looks like you put alot of time and effort into this map it also looks quite tough. 5/5