Mongoose Golf

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by tyzzer, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. tyzzer

    tyzzer Ancient
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    Mongoose Golf.

    This game basicly is selfexplanatory, you use mongooses as golf balls,
    Smash the humans into hell with the hammers or slash thier guts out with the sword,
    the aim is to kill all the stupid humans driving in this dangerous territory.

    Game settings:

    number of rounds: 10
    Time limit: 15 minutes
    Friendly fire: off

    Human settings:

    2000% damage resistance
    X2 overshields
    shield recharge rate: 0%

    Infection Settings:

    Camo: good camo
    Weapons: Gravity hammer and Energy Sword
    Run speed: 300%
    Gravity: 50%
    Infinite ammo
    300% weapon damage
    full use of vehicles
    shield recharge rate: 200%
    shield vamprism: 100% leech
    Immune to headshots

    Last man settings:

    Invulnerable ( can only be killed by assasination )
    shield recharge rate: 0%
    shield vamprism: 25% leech
    Immune to headshots

    Helpful tips:

    It takes about 6-8 direct hits with a hammer to kill someone (on a mongoose)
    It takes about 4-6 direct hits with a hammer to kill someone (not on a mongoose)
    It takes about 10-12 direct hits with a sword to kill someone (on a mongoose)
    It takes about 8-10 direct hits with a sword to kill someone (not on a mongoose)

    The humans start here... they have thier mongooses as they should have


    Now all we have to do is drive for you life because there is a zombie running around who is invisible, we cannot detect them on our radars? some sort of interferance... watch the sand we can see their footsteps!


    Zombies can ride and drive the mongooses so watch out...


    Getting smashed by a hammer is a good thing sometimes it can either make you escape or get cornered.


    Watch out in the mine field if you get knocked off your mongoose try to get back on because your vunerable to more damage and the mines that are exploding.


    Some zombies try to attack in groups of two or more... a good way of getting rid of them is to splatter them, by accident most of the time, but good luck out there.


    As explained in the settings the last man is invunerable so hitting him wont help get him off his mongoose!


    Last man can only be killed by assasination so... get him off his mongoose and flank him and go in for the kill.


    Well thats all but have fun out there...

    Download Map: Click here to download

    Download Gametype: Click here to download

    thanks, this is my first post on forge hub so i hope i can get better at these things... thank you.
    #1 tyzzer, Mar 19, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2010
  2. xItZ JENKiNSx

    xItZ JENKiNSx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think that you not supposed to delete the pic once they are uploaded.
  3. tyzzer

    tyzzer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah this is my first post so im not very good at this... thank you LieutenantLambo
    i appreciate the help.

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