Any tips on getting Par on Mombasa Streets as quickly as possible on Heroic? I found a Ghost after NMPD HQ, so I don't want to start a new campaign and abandon it. Or do they always spawn in the same place?
Best advice I can give you is to try to find all the Audiofiles. As you probably know, they unlock certain locked areas with weapons, and sometimes Mongeese. If you need help finding audiofiles, walk around until you see/hear a car alarm. When you hear a car alarm, there are usually audiofiles.
why do you need to get the par? it doesnt do anything ddoes it? or have i just been living under a rock for a while.
I don't think it does. I think Bungie put that on because Halo 3 had the Metagame scoring achievements and ODST has them in Firefight instead of the actual campaign. I think they're just so you know what a good score to aim for is. Getting par in Firefight will unlock the achievement and I'm pretty sure getting par in Campaign doesn't do anything.
I'm pretty sure that the ghost will just spawn right there and just try and figure out where phantom drops are.