Bleh I'm starting to get sick of the same old cod game every year with a few new gimmicks. Not to mention that most of the staff was fired from IW.
The average gamer loves cod and will buy any game with the brand name on it. We're not the average consumer of the cod franchise so saying cod is dieing based on the assumption that the average gamer is similar and thinks the same way as you is incorrect. CoD is here to stay because the average consumer buys it. Also, find makarov was a complete hoax, I don't remember the details but I think it may have been advertising for a modern warfare movie or something. I really don't remember because it was quite a while ago. Also I've heard that Raven Software, the makers of Quake and Wolfenstein, are going to be designing the multiplayer portion while Infinity Ward (what's left of it) and Sledgehammer Games design the single player portion. So who knows, multiplayer could turn out really solid on this one! Pretty much this.
Yeah the game is definitely not dead. Anything they slap a cod label on is still going to sell very well. To me though it has just become nearly the same game cranked out every year for a profit. It's pathetic tbh.
YouTube - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Reveal Trailer‏ Looks great... I wanna buy just to finish out this trilogy.
I'm not trying to hate, I'm sure it will be fun, but it looks exactly, and I mean exactly the same as MW2.
Well, as long as there's no commando, and the mp5 isn't a K and it stays the same as mw2 then I think I'll like it. But I won't bother with a limited edish. Also they should fix the snipers and ACOGs
looks good, and I am looking forward to it,and hopefully this "mystery" team who are making the multiplayer won't just listen to the masses and make a massively retarded broken multiplayer version, and I'm hoping for customisability on the same level as Blops. BUT... Boys play Call of Duty... Men play Battlefield... Just saying...
The games are totally different. I'll get both, and for two different reasons too. Battlefield is a more serious game multiplayer wise. Vehicles, class distinction and a bigger focus on objective squad based play. Teamwork. COD is an arcade like shooter, more focused on the fun and addictive aspect, as well as the ability to jump in and out of a quick game. It doesn't hold that serious air battlefield does. Comparing both is pointless. I'm pretty excited for this. Much more so than for Black Ops or MW2 at least.
I bet captain price's beard will be thicker and meaner and when you press X a fist comes out of it... And Remerez will have to single handedly stop every terrorist ever, even back in time. And Soap will legally change his last name to NBubles
Knowing Activision, this won't be the end of the Modern Warfare series... But I'm going to trust you guys to hold me to my word... This will be the last modern warfare game I buy. And it's only for the campaign and/or possible zombie-esque mode. CoD is basically dead to me. Especially in terms of multiplayer.
It just looks like a re-skinned black-ops to me. I stopped liking the CoD games after CoD4 though so I'm not really a good judge of whither this will be any good. I just don't like the whole new game every year policy they can't add much to the game with only a year to do it.