It does look like they're finally attempting to expand the game though. The past few games had fun, addictive multiplayer that kept me entertained for quite a while, and a half decent campaign, and a little added content such as zombies, or spec ops, but there was never anything largely different changed. Modern Warfare 3 seems to change that, though. Survival mode, a very varied single player campaign, destructible environments... There seems to be much more here than usual, and I may end up getting it...
OMG ANOTHER CoD! What a suprise, every November I annually waste 60.00$ to buy a game that get's traded in a month after. KEEP IT SIMPLE! CoD 4 was an amazing game and still my favorite game to this day, but then WaW came out and I was like yay this game is pretty good, MW2, please don't let me break down in tears...... The funny thing is that even though Black Ops may be more balanced, MW2 is still so much more fun. MW2's graphics are stunning but again as every game it it's flaw, up until CoD 4 and thereafter you were pretty much forced to use a selection of 2 guns competetively, CoD 4 offered many different gun useages that were great Competetive play, eventhough the M16 was favorable.
My guess is that a varied campaign means they will take you to a lot of locations, but it will still be the always-on-eleven shooter CoD has been known for. Also, if I had to guess, I'd say the destruction is going to be all about flashiness and have very little practical use, and most likely won't make it to multiplayer. Just my guesses, however. I'm expecting MW3 to stick to pretty much the exact same formula they've developed, and then after that Activision will attempt to expand and differentiate the series.
This ^ Black Ops was balanced but it wasnt very fun for me. MW2 had me playing for days and Im hoping that they dont **** up the multiplayer. And please please please do NOT bring back the Cod Points. God I hated that.
The campaign must be MASSIVE if its taking place in all these countries, I think Infinity Ward is going all out on this since they are only focusing on campaign and this is probably the last Modern Warfare to be made (all good games and movies end in a trilogy xD). I'm hoping for a 10+ hour shock and awe campaign >.< Are you joking about Canada? excuse my ignorance, I haven't really researched this game but I don't see why Canada would be in the campaign I probably will buy this game, but I am certainly not a CoD fanboy. I hate Black Ops, I've play like 10 online matches. Here4zombies
Is 10 hours your idea of massive? Not hating or anything, but 10 hours really seems like a bare minimum for me when it comes to a single player. Having a strong multiplayer is nice and all, but a beefy, quality campaign is something that will stick with me.
I recall two portal based games getting by on short campaigns. Anyway, CoD campaigns are usually 8 hours so 10 hours wouldn't be that massive.
You can call me a hypocrite if you like, but Portal 2, even though the single player didn't quite reach 10 hours, provided me with more laughs, memorable moments, and ingenuity than almost any game out there. I've stated before, though, that Portal 1 was just too short for my tastes. It was a great game, but under 4 hours just isn't long enough. Also, the past 2 CoD games have taken me under 6 hours each.
I (and most other people) predicted EXACTLY what the teaser would be; a bunch of squiggly green lines I have good faith in any Infinity Ward CoD games; I'm hoping that they will go back to something more similar to CoD4. I love IW much more than anything Treyarch has spewed out recently.
Game length is a pretty simplistic way of judging games...Portal was great because of the depth of play it gives and the story it tells within its short play time. Mirrors Edge was another very short game but excellent game. Games like Dragon Age or Fall Out New Vegas that are over 20 hours in length are ok, but they really drag on at times and the depth of play is just not there for large parts of it. A good game is how well it uses the time it has, not just the time it has. I understand that games are expensive now-a-days and people want to maximize the amount they play the game with the price they paid for it but I think games that pack quality into every minute of their playtime are better than just pure long games.
I agree. The only problem I have is that CoD has a 6 hour campaign of doing the same things over and over again. You might get a neat mechanic once every other level, but more often than not those last for less than a minute.
MW2 was by FAR the best Call of Duty in my opinion. It was too bad the player exploit so minor flaws to the point of the games failure. The things like one man army would have been an easy patch if the company would have stuck together but either way those flaws are easy to see and will make it easy to perfect the call of duty series with mw3.
Here's the problem with the series. Every edition does well. Really, they aren't bad games. I've played everyone except the original CoD. If you ever hear anyone say it's bad, then they most likely have played it so much they hate it. But really, I could recreationaly play any of them for several more years. I think this game will still be fun. Worth $60? Maybe not, but I usually buy every other one (skipped WaW and Black Ops) so it's fine. And ****, you know it's way more fun when everybody is ****ing playing it.
Trololololololol. I went back and played Modern Warfare. It has the best maps and the gun play is phenomenal.
I agree. Black ops I found to be the worst call of duty to exsist, the only ones who liked it were people who haven't played cods before it and or just got into it because it was the next step in the series. The engine is slow and "Clunky"? compared to the MW series and the maps have lack of any sort of good flow or anything more than aesthetics really. COD4 definitely had the best maps, even the ones that weren't built with good flow and such still were at least fun to play. The guns were all decent but I really think that they topped it in MW2 with the guns, and all the remakes they did gave you a good feeling, they even fixed a few of them up to improve gameplay. I'm going to honestly hope we see a lot of returns of the maps from cod4 and a lot of guns return from mw2. Most people want something new, I'm just asking for something goood. a fixed modernwarfare. Also: MW2 improved the flow of the equipment usage a lot. Less nade spamming and nice easy to lay claymores and c4, that give you the fast paced competitive style I personally like. Rather than sitting around for a whole 4 seconds to actually place a claymore.