ive got like 4 gold guns at lvl 75, first prestige... and ill be more than happy to sit at that first prestige lvl 80 and get all gold ****. to me, after that, all the rest are pointless gold AK was more of a big deal. and probably uzi as well. i remember thinking that gold uzi was the coolest thing ever... gold m1014 was for chumps
IDK it's something about having all the gold stuff AND being the highest level that is just so rewarding to me when it finally happens.
As someone who went max rank in MW2, and thought it would be super cool once you get there: It's really not. You hit the end and think "Wait, what was that for?, I should've been playing the game purely for enjoyment". And then there's nothing to work towards and you lose that sense of reward. I had someone reset my rank back down because I wanted something to do, but I had lost all will to play. Haven't actively played Call of Duty game since.
I know that feeling. Now that I'm highest rank now what? But for me it quickly subsides. I'm using black ops as an example. I do play the game for enjoyment only. All I'm saying is getting to max prestige so that I can get a bunch of gold guns was just an added bonus for playing black ops for the amount of time that I did. Hard to convey how I feel about COD without people making assumptions. =/
Please, explain what you mean by 'American'. Because if you're talking about aesthetics, Downturn Fallen Hardhat Interchange Liberation Overwatch are all aethetically-themed American maps.
Can I tell you guys a joke? MW3. EDIT: ****, got infracted by this. ... Totally worth it. Anyways, back on topic, I don't really like it with the exception of Spec Ops Survival, Campaign and some Playlists.
Stumbled upon this, figured any of you who play may be interested. MW3 BLACKOUT 4.20.12 #codblackout42012 - YouTube
It's funny, ever since I stopped playing MW3 I've experienced none of those problems. Do you honestly believe a company that watered down the same game for the last three editions really gives a flying **** about the community? To quote an infraction;
Blackout on 4/20! I can do it. Why not. I'll see the Bob Marley movie. n stuff: MW3 New Maps Gameplay - Map Pack Collection 1! (Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3) - YouTube
For anyone that's interested, IW has implemented One in the chamber and Gun game into MP. They've also inserted a new game mode called All or nothing. This is pretty cool, seeing as those two game modes were the best thing about Black Ops. MW3 NEW Game Modes - All or Nothing, Gun Game & One In The Chamber! (Modern Warfare 3 gameplay) - YouTube