Not sure if anyone has seen these yet but I thought I'd share them anyway. Here's two pictures of two rumoured DLC maps, tiltled Morningwood and Overwatch. The names will probably be changed upon release, just like Liberation (Park) and Piazza (Italy) Spoiler Also, ELITE content calender.
Has anybody else been amazed at the number of kills needed for Marksman 5 with the Model 1887? 2500 ****ing kills. What the hell do you need for marksman 8?
I currently use a pp7 with holographic site, an extended mag, and c4, which I think is a very nice combo.. I'm only a rank 11 though and i just unlocked claymores. Though c4 is MUCH underrated, i think, especially in squad rush (squad rush is my favorite now, been playing a lot with my good friend).
WHOA DERE! NEW COMMUNITY PLAYLIST: INFECTED This weekend, on Feb 5th, we will be adding the mode INFECTED to the Community Playlists on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 (coming soon to PC). This new mode is available to ALL players. When you join a game of INFECTED, 10 seconds after the match begins you will either be chosen as the Infected or placed on the side of the surivors. Each side will be restricted to a specific selection of weapons. Each time you play INFECTED the selection of weapons available will be different, rotating through multiple loadout options determined by the community suggestions and feedback from Twitter responses to @fourzerotwo. The alternating loadout options you'll encounter are listed below in the order of how often they will appear. OBJECTIVE The game ends when either all players have been turned into infected or the game timer ends. A Survivor's goal is to stay alive until the game ends, however, if you're turned Infected, your goal is to turn all other survivors into infected by killing them. You will receive 100 points per kill (whether you're a survivor or infected) Survivors receive an additional 100 points each time an infected kills another survivor. Knife vs Striker (Will Appear Most Often) This version will be played on 14 maps: Dome, Hardhat, Mission, Resistance, Village, Arkaden, Seatown, Fallen, Lockdown, Underground, Bootlet, Outpost, Bakaara, Carbon. Class Loadouts INFECTED Spoiler Primary Knife only (USP .45 w/ no ammo & tactical knife) Equipment Throwing Knife Tactical Insertion Perks Extreme Conditioning Quick Draw Deathstreak Juiced SURVIVORS Spoiler Primary Weapon Striker Extended Mags Damage Proficency Secondary Weapon Five Seven (akimbo) Equipment Claymore Smoke Perks Scavenger Quickdraw Steady aim INITIAL INFECTED Spoiler Primary Weapon Striker Extended Mags Damage Secondary Weapon Five Seven (akimbo) Equipment Throwing knife Tactical insertion Perks Extreme conditioning Quickdraw Steady aim Deathstreak Hollow points Knife vs .44 Mag (Will Appear 2nd Most Often) This version will be played 9 maps: Hardhat, Mission, Resistance, Village, Arkaden, Seatown, Fallen, Lockdown, Carbon. Class Loadouts INFECTED Spoiler Primary Weapon Knife only (USP .45 w/ no ammo & tactical knife) Equipment Tactical Insertion Perks Extreme Conditioning Quick Draw Deathstreak Juiced SURVIVORS Spoiler Primary Weapon .44 Magnum (akimbo) Equipment C4 Concussion Grenades Perks Scavenger Quick Draw Steady Aim INITIAL INFECTED Spoiler Primary Weapon .44 Magnum (akimbo) Equipment Throwing Knife Tactical Insertion Perks Extreme Conditioning Quick Draw Steady Aim Deathstreak Hollow Points Juggernaut vs MK46 (Rarely Appears) This version will appear randomly and be played only on DOME. Class Loadouts INFECTED Spoiler JUGGERNAUT Primary Weapon Knife only (USP .45 w/ no ammo & tactical knife) Equipment Tactical Insertion Perks Extreme Conditioning Quick Draw Dead Silence Deathstreak Juiced SURVIVORS Spoiler Primary Weapon MK46 Kick Proficiency Secondary Weapon RPG Equipment Claymore Smoke Grenade Perks Scavenger Quick Draw Steady Aim INITIAL INFECTED Spoiler Primary Weapon MK46 Rapid Fire Proficiency Extended Mags Attachment Secondary Weapon RPG Equipment Tactical Insertion Perks Extreme Conditioning Quick Draw Steady Aim Deathstreak Hollow Points Striker vs Juggernaut (Appears Rarely) This version appears randomly and will only be played on DOME. In this version, Health Regeneration is set to SLOW. Class Loadouts INFECTED Spoiler Primary Weapon Striker Range Proficiency Extended Mags Attachment Secondary Weapon XM25 Equipment Semtex Tactical Insertion Perks Slight of Hand Quick Draw Steady Aim Deathstreak Dead Man's Hand SURVIVORS Spoiler JUGGERNAUT Primary Weapon .44 Magnum Akimbo Perks Scavenger INITIAL INFECTED Spoiler JUGGERNAUT Primary Weapon Striker Range Proficiency Extended Mags Secondary Weapon XM25 Equipment Semtex Tactical Insertion Perks Extreme Conditioning Steady Aim Quick Draw Deathstreak Hollow Points
Infection is the worst thing that has ever been in a call of duty game. XD I'd rather play black ops. And that's saying something. But rejoice they are looking for a way to bring back dropzone because so many people have been enraged.
I never use FMG's because they're pretty nub, but I noticed no nerf. I still get mowed down in less than a second by them.
i never used to, but i finally gave up on trying to play with honor and used them a few days ago. they seem pretty powerful to me. i still dont use the striker though, i have to have some shred of integrity and dignity.
Eh, I guess they never ended up implementing the patch. I haven't noticed a difference either. Also: This video also has some info: NEW MW3 "Overwatch" Map DLC - Map Pack details & Playlist update! (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3) - YouTube
So I might as well be the one to bumb this thread. The new map: Overwatch. It's pretty cool, there are alot of medium sight-lines and flank routes to wherever your enemies are. Best of all there are still those moments where you round a corner same time as an enemy and you both go "OH ****! IT'S A BAD GUY!" Priceless. Also, take this how you want, but 5 more prestiges have been added, with five more on the way. Pic of what they look like: Spoiler Also this is funny and relevant: Spoiler Me, being 9th prestige lv. 40 this doesn't affect me to much. I was really looking forward to being the highest rank and chilling with all my gold guns. But now that they add more I'm going to have to wait on that. Oh well =/
I disagree. Sure the emblems aren't unique. But it gives 10th Prestige players something to work for. It's not like they have to do it anyway.
What the general response to this addition is: "How dare you make me play your game (that I've already played for 9 days and 13 hours) more."
Yea but those 10th prestige players have got an ass ton of gold guns. They like sitting at their highest rank with all their gold stuff. Turns out their not at the highest rank? They're pissed. I haven't got a single gold gun in MW3 and I'm proud of that. I'm waiting till I'm max prestige to get all the gold stuff. Which will be a little more then twice the ammount of time I've already played but w/e. I'll be happier then I was when I got 15th in black ops and started getting all my gold stuff.
Gold guns dont mean ****. If thats the only reason you're playing the game, I don't know how you could enjoy it long enough to make it to 10th.
It's not the only reason I play this game at at all. I enjoy it most of the time, but being max prestige with gold guns would be awesome.