Lol, I know right. I did manage to beat the last level on Veteran alone, but as you said, I did restart from that same spot several times to the point I almost threw the game away. I like doing the veteran playthrough right from the start and I successfully did it in all of the CoDs except for WaW, due to the same problem as the last level of MW3. Also didnt due it with Black Ops, cuz I never played it. Back to MW3, I havent really touched the spec ops due to the fact that its pretty much exact with the campaign which sort of annoys me.
Imprisoned Megaupload founder loses I would have never thought this guy would be the best CoD player. What.
lol, Thought I accidentally clicked a SOPA thread. Makes sense though 1.Have successful business 2.Get rich 3.Achieve arbitrary goal's 4..... 5.Go to jail.
fourzerotwo: Expect a 50% decrease to the fire rate of all Akimbo weapons in #MW3. We're doing a hotfix tonight to properly nerf them. Thanks Internet!
/me tries "nerfed" Dual FMG9s. Nope, no difference, at least no noticeable one. I go into a loby, pull them out, and right off the bat get a double spray. If they did nerf them then It doesn't make a difference. But I agree, they should be nerfed. They are pretty OP. I just use them and every other dual wield MP as well to get the 10,000 points from getting max proficiency, then I drop them like a rock for my beloved Stinger. It seems to work for me, /8th prestige lv. 40
Just got this game 3 days ago and it is one of the best fps game I've ever played. The multiplayer is MUCH better than any COD game, but COD wins with campaign. Anyways, never thought it would be this fun, the best part has to be that it's simple to use for anyone. Feels much more intuitive than cod. In conclusion, this game rocks my socks.