Modern Warfare 3 General Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DunkinMyCookies, May 13, 2011.

  1. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Yes ma'am. I'm going to get this game simply because it's extremely fun to play with friends. Plus, I need to play a more refined CoD that isn't Black Ops. That **** sucked.
  2. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i cant wait to be able to use other kinds of weapons and hold my own again
  3. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Just saying, All of the videos that i've watched, there has been an ASS TON of blindfire kills...This looks like it would get annoying after awhile, giving the "spray an pray"ers a kill everytime.
  4. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    It looks like MW2 with more Sentry guns and explosions.
  5. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    If you're into military shooters, you're pretty much in heaven right now. EA's well-received Battlefield 3 survived a rickety launch last week to enjoy the biggest first week sales of any game this year, and just around the corner lurks an even bigger operation: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
    Ruining work productivity on November 8, the game is widely expected to continue the franchise's trend of breaking its own entertainment launch records. First it smashed records with Modern Warfare 2, then went ahead and obliterated those with last year's Black Ops. Can it pull off the three-peat?
    We won't know for certain until after the midnight launch parties die down a bit, but we know plenty about the game already. Here are five things you should know, too.
    It's a worldwide war.

    The new game's plot picks up where Modern Warfare 2 left off, with the Russian Federation hell bent on wreaking havoc across the world. Sounds like a bummer, but if not if you dig virtual travel.
    Modern Warfare 3 scoops up even more frequent flier miles by letting players shoot it out from New York to Somalia, with pitstops in hot spots like London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, and Dubai. That even includes a stop at Wall Street to take out a radar installation , uh, 'occupying' the New York Stock Exchange. Though it likely won't pack the controversial punch of Modern Warfare 2's notorious 'No Russian' level, expect plenty of cinematic wow moments over the course of the game's campaign.
    It's got new modes.

    If you play the single-player at all, that is. The majority of players will probably be picking this bad boy up purely for the multiplayer. The good news is that they'll have some cool surprises waiting for them.
    One of the game's buzziest new modes is 'Kill Confirmed,' which plays out like a typical Team Deathmatch, but requires that players snag the dog tags of downed enemies for the kills to count. Should your teammates grab your tag before the enemy does, the kill is denied. Take out four guys with an amazing grenade toss? You better grab their dog tags, too, or it doesn't count.
    If you prefer to play co-operatively, the new 'Spec-Ops: Survival' mode is the way to go. Waves of enemies will come pouring in at your and your buddies; take them out to gain funds, which you can then spend on a wide range of defenses. Think Gears of War's Horde mode or Halo's Firefight and you've got the picture.
    It's a package deal.

    Playing multiplayer in past Call of Duty games was all about racking up Killstreaks, which would grant certain abilities based on how many kills a player could string together without dying. While that will still be part of Modern Warfare 3, it's gotten a bit more complicated and a whole lot cooler.
    Players will now choose one of three 'Strike Packages' — Assault, Support or Specialist — which reward different play styles. Prefer to focus on completing objectives rather than just gunning down foes? You'll rack up "Pointstreaks" either way, which will unlock different abilities for the three different packages. The result is a game that rewards more play styles — and more players.
    It's a number-cruncher.
    Launching alongside Modern Warfare 3 is Call of Duty: Elite, a service that keeps track of every bullet fired and offers all sorts of advice to turn you into a Call of Duty pro. It comes in two models: a free version, which grants access to robust matchmaking features, stat tracking and loads of guides and tips, and a subscription-based service that includes all sorts of cool extras for the Call of Duty die-hard, such as early access to downloadable content, daily tournaments with prizes, clan benefits, and more. Check out this handy chart for the specifics.
    Should you pony up for the extras? It runs $50 a year, so that really depends on how seriously you take your Duty. Either way, expect Elite to make you a better player.
    It's on pace to break records. Again.
    Pre-orders are a good indicator for how a game might fare at retail — and Modern Warfare 3's pre-orders are already pretty impressive.
    Earlier this year, both GameStop and UK retailer GAME noted that Modern Warfare 3 was on pace to outperform Black Ops, and though Activision itself has remained coy on the actual pre-order figures, they seem impressed with how it's shaking out.
    "Call of Duty: Black Ops set records for the most pre-orders of a game," the company told us in a statement. "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is tracking substantially ahead of that number."
    Sound familiar? That's because Black Ops managed to outpace Modern Warfare 2 as well, and went on to breaks that game's launch sales numbers.

    #185 Elite Warrior5, Nov 3, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2011
  6. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I'm going to buy a game next week; MW3 or BF3? I'm thinking MW3 since more people I know will probably play it.

  7. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    MW3 over BF3 for sure. EVERYONE will be playing it. Plus, spec ops sounds like zombies on crack.
  8. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I'm thinking so. Normally I keep myself in the dark about games coming out that i enjoy, but after watching a few videos I think the features in MW3 will be better socially.

    Facebook integration
    ELITE Basic (Browser and Mobile Apps)
    Better Campaign

    I still will be getting BF3... but not anytime soon :C
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Can anyone give me a rundown on this Spec ops coop thing?

    My flatmates and i play quite a few console games, but the internet here is nowhere near good enough to play online. We have been playing against bots on Blops and a bit of **** zombies. I'm debating getting them to chip in on mw3 just for some fun coop.

    How does it work? Are weapons/perks and whatnot still capable of being unlocked? How many coop on a single console, 2?
  10. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Hard to say without actually having the game and I've tried to keep dark on it. But mw2 had coop spec ops which where basically just mini games or unique single campaign missions.

    Also I just found out there is going to be a NUKE in mw3 so that could be interesting. (It's leaked so I cannot link it but sure you can find it) It's a 25 gunstreak(meaning only gun kills count towards it so it's gonna be hard to get) and it only kills the enemy team and EMP's them for a duration.
    Gonna be really rare and it's only a emp and few instant kills not really anything to worry about.
  11. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Haven't played more than a handful of TDM games but this is fairly impressive.
  12. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Campaign is lame.

    Prepare for terrible animations and scripted sequences, no surprises and a game-length monologue from Price.
  13. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Good thing I've been buying CoD games for the campaigns...

    Did you really buy CoD and expect the campaign to be revolutionary? Plus, after watching all the videos going through the BF3 campaign, I've pretty much confinrmed that it can't be worse than that.
    #193 NlBBS, Nov 8, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2011
  14. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I'm just surprised after all of that 'Most anticipated game' bullshit, the campaign seems to have an even low budget than Call of Duty 4. It's got about half as many voice actors as other cod games, uses half of the same tired animations, and all of the action cut scenes are crap and full of **** ups.

    I'm not really talking about the campaign per se, more the general budget of the whole thing. It's either cheap or rushed.
  15. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Rushed, and made by people who lack talent. Or produced by such a process that the talent was diminished. Either way, when you're playing the game you're not going to be saying "Oh wow, the people who made this game must be so talented" unless you're being sarcastic, in which case that's exactly what you'd be saying.
  16. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Went in to pay off my Skyrim pre order today, got laughed at because I wasn't buying MW3 by the Gamestop staff, laughed secretly to myself and went off to rent it.

    I've only had a chance to play the campaign through. I enjoyed CoD 4, I loved MW2's campaign. This sucks 3 different kinds of sack. The story is not nearly as good as the second games.
    It's alright, I guess.

    Too bad I wont get a chance to try out Multiplayer. I don't get back on xbox live until saturday, by which time I have Skyrim.
  17. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    My prediction as of 3 months ago...

    The verdict? Well i think the past few posts can attest to that.
  18. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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  19. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    You all had to know the campaign was going to be terrible years ago before it was even announced that they were making MW3. The key to happiness is low expectations.
  20. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    @pinohkio But a correct one

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