YouTube- Mouthy X Hydro Loses it Over Modern Warfare 2 Warning: Contains a retard using explicit language. You've been warned.
Youtube description: "Mouthy X Hydro lost his temper because I ended up killing him with a C4 while I was in a chopper gunner, then I nuked their whole team. I guess he never figured out that a claymore can trigger a C4 to go off. Mouthy, take some anger management classes. You're an adult and it's only a game." Haha, I love reactions. I've got some great ones from people and my brother got some hilarious ones cussing him out because he got 4 nukes in a row.
Lulz Once I got a message in giberish that said something along the lines of "oon shin la la OOOOO? OOOOO? jin jin how la la." Does anyone know of a language that resembles this at all?
I love when someone gets sooo upset. especially when you don't respond, and they send message after message.... such a nice friendly gaming community, innit?
Similarly, some kid and his friend filed complaints on me and yelled a variety of profanities at me because I got 39 kills in multi team. Later, when they calmed down, I invited them into my lobby and patiently explained how 39 kills is easily possible. -_- Sympathy, man.
me and my friends spawn toobed the entire enemy team in search on wasteland. these guys were cussing and shouting and we all put on blast shield because they said they would noob toob us, and we killed 4 of them. than we all switched to quickscoping classes and we found both of the other people traveling together, so we all fired on 3. the game winning killcam was so ****ing funny. also, i was the odd man out from my friends once. last man. some dude on my team said they were all behind me teabagging and stuff with a voice message. so i cooked a nade, dropped it, and ran. surviving because i still had blast shield