YouTube - Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition Unboxing (Official) Also, if you notice at 2:55 you'll notice something about a code giving you the original CoD for xbl arcade. Is anyone thinking of picking this up? Night vision goggles look badass, although it'll be well over the price of H3 legendary edition when it first came out. Discuss. UPDATE(Canadian Prices. US will cost about 10$ less) Normal edition is 70$ Hardened edition is 90$ Prestige edition is 170$
yeah im sure thats gonna be expensive. but it does look bad ass. night vision goggles and a soap head... i want it.
Yeah, but if it goes anymore than 200.00$, I don't think I'll be picking this up. In stores anyways, ebay or amazon are still possibilities.
i'm definitely getting hardened edition, but prestige is so sexy and those goggles are just so epic i might have to get it.
Unless there is any actual in game benefit, like in cod5 with the M1A1, then I probably wont be getting the hardened or box edition. If you think about it, the goggles are cool and all, but do you really give a **** about the artwork?
After thinking about it, the goggles might just promote peeping toms and creepers. Naughty naughty. And no Dow, I couldn't care less. It's just gonna take up space. I'll look through it once and then w/e.
NVG's cost like $100 for a cheap pair, how are they going to work that into a video game? I will most likely go withe the normal game, because online its all the same thing, give or take a different color name or so.
"And with the night vision goggles, we've included a FULLY-FUNCTIONAL Humvee, equipped with a mounted machine gun on the back. Now you can go on your OWN counter-terrorist missions, just like Soap!"
Those goggles are pretty sexy, but for it to be affordable they can't be all that great. Would be fun for Airsoft perhaps, but beyond that they serve no real perpose. I couldn't get or afford Prestige anway, so I'd probably get hardened or normal. Hardened would be worth it for the CoD arcade version, the thing that started it all.
It maeks u play betr! Buy it Nao!!!! No seriously, why does everyone want this????? I mean, if my girlfriend came round and saw my goddamned nightvision goggles from cod mw2, i would seriously be embarrassed. I mean, really?
Point taken. I'll remember that one. But i seriously won't buy a Call of Duty game until they remove the game of: Grenade Spamming GODDAMNED HELICOPTERS AND AIR STRIKES AND DOGS AND ARTILLERY STRIKES!!!!! But yeah, those night vision goggles would be useful to the majority of the paedophiles around the world. Especially when half of them probably play CoD as well.
I'm not buyin my CoD. So I kinda have no say, but those NV goggles would give me a pretty good time. Looks kinda flismy and cheap though.
Awww...I don't think I can afford the Prestige Edition when it comes out, so I think I'm just gonna but the Hardened Edition. They both look badass anyways. LOL I like how he doesn't care about the normal edition XD Nice find.
Grenade spamming: Lol, you only have at max 3 grenades. You do realize that in halo you can spam grenades every few seconds. Choppers: Just because you suck at CoD and you cant get a helicopter does not mean they suck. Air Strikers: *read above* Just because you arent good at the game does not mean its good.
WAY better than the Halo 3 Legendary edition. I love the addition of COD1, and i think that the hardened cover looks a lot better than the regular cover. As for the NVGs, i think they look badass. Ever since Step Brothers i have always wanted to try some out.
I just happened to notice that neither hardened nor prestige have the Call of Duty title on them. Lol I just watched that movie last night, and was hoping for the same thing as you.
Didn't expect the goggles to actually work, pretty nice. And I can't wait to see the artwork and concepts in the booklet. I saw one big picture at E3 that looks to be included in the booklet, which was pretty cool to see. But most of all, the game looks to be better then CoD4. I'll be sure to pick up Prestige. Question: CoD Classic? Anyone played it before?