Modern Warfare 2 Launch Party! To all those who have pre-ordered or plan on purchasing Modern Warfare 2 on the release date (Nov. 10), a launch party will be held for the entire day. All members and friends of ForgeHub are welcomed to participate in this event. Who's Participating? Spoiler Username - Gamertag: Cartographer - Approve Memos SRC48 - dloe48 COMMANDERMATT1 - COMMANDERMATT1 Klaydude11 - Klaydude 13 If you'd like to include yourself in this event, simply state your Gamertag in your post, or fill out the form below. Code: Gamertag: Headset: Yes/No Location: Initial Plans: SP, Spec-Ops, MP If you'd like to be able to find other players eaisly, send a friend request to MW2 Launch. When viewing profile, navigate to View Friends to see a list of everyone who signed up here.
I've already got my team set up, just waiting for the release. Make sure to look for me at the top of the leaderboards
Even if the game was only five hours, I'd probably have more fun playing that than going online just to hear every single eight-year-old in the world scream at me. And they've even made it to where I HAVE to listen to those people by disabling private/party chats in some gametypes. Awesome.
omg im in.... Gamertag: dloe48 Headset: Yes Location: arizona Initial Plans: Sp or MP, most likely MP
Pretty sure it was Infinity Ward's decision, not Activision's. But either way, I'm very aware of how much Activision "loves" their customers.
Too busy playing campaign here, too. Maybe later some Special Ops, or some flag runner. Flag runner seems fun!
Gamertag: COMMANDERMATT1 Headset: Yes Location: USA/Memphis, TN Initial Plans: Single Player (After I stop crying from pure joy and happiness)
I'm gonna be ranking up in split screen with my bro(yes it's possible). I don't know why they did that but because too many people were getting through the barrier into cage match with their buddies. Gamertag: Klaydude 13 Headset: Yes Lacation: USA/Arizona Itinital PLans: MP maybe SP
I've played it for 3 hours (it's out for me, time zones), and now must retire. I will offer one criticism. No batteries for the NVG's?!?
My XBox is fine, except it's video/audio doesn't work. So basically, when I get MW2 I won't be able to play it.
Anyone try the tactical nuke yet? I'm dying to see a video of how it works. EDIT: found one: YouTube- FIRST MW2 "Tactical Nuke" FOOTAGE