Modern Warfare 2 Flag Runner Trailer YouTube - Modern Warfare 2 Flag Runner Multiplayer Trailer [HD] It reveals a lot about multiplayer, including kill streaks, (3 UAV, 4 AIR DROP, 5 PREDATOR MISSILE, etc.) and confirming new weapons, such as UMP, MP5K /w RIS, AA-12?, SCAR-H, riot shield, USP?, etc. and they even show a little something in the end. NOTE: I'm not sure some of the weapons are named that, and I'm basing it off what I can read and what weapons look familiar.
holy crap throwing knifes! some sort of melee system confirmed!!!! This makes me wish ODST and MW2 would switch release dates (yes i actually just said that.) edit: at the end look at that gun... red dot sight and a silencer, that means that perk is confirmed, unless maybe red dot or silencer is a perk of its own?
did you see the little knife symbol where the frag would be? so we have at least 3 choices for primary "grenades": frags, semtex, and throwing knife.
Damn Better than pistol sniping is knife sniping!!! This may just accidentally all other games. Nevermind This game is WIN!
also, what were those banner things at the bottom that showed who you killed. at first i thought it was like a general class that they were, or the type of kill you got, or maybe something you can personalize, but those dont seem too likely after watching the whole thing... there were a couple people that said like "specialist" or "surgical", but then there were some like "sergeant", which didnt seem like a class. then there was like "silent veteran" or something and "BOOM headshot"
Sounds like a Barrett and looks like a Barrett. I hope that's an earlier unlock, though. I like when they switch up the final weapons.
Those were just Name Cards I'm guessing, cause if you look it says "You Killed "Name here" like "BOOM headshot" After closer inspection, where it says "The Specialist" is probably their Prestige Rank
yeah i saw the gamertag on the bottom of it. the prestige rank does seem like a good guess, the most plausible of anything else i can think of.
Yeah, since the last one where he kills the guy with the Sniper it says "Hello! My name is :" so I'm guessing that's before Prestige.