Sandbox Modern Land

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by E inglourious 3, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Modern Land

    Hello, everyone. I have recently made a new map, but this is my first real attempt at a squad battle map. Hopefully you like it!

    (All info is subject to change)
    Made By: E iNGLouRIouS 3
    Players: 10-14 are suggested as of now
    Games Supported: Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Assault, Territories, VIP, Oddball, Slayer, Juggernaut, Infection
    Canvas: Middle of Sandbox, Guardian Towers are On, No budget glitch of any kind

    Modern Land does not necessarily have a distinct theme or unheard of before layout, but I think I have innovated a creative layout and made original structures to produce interesting gameplay.

    The map is designed to provide a kind of crescent shape to it, and to play very well for objective games. There are not mongooses or jeeps because they allow easy caps, plants, scores, etc. From the overview you will see that there is little cover directly between the bases, but a lot further away. To make this work, I put an OV in between the bases, and a regenerator on the dune under the large feature sticking out of the dune. This makes it possible to go directly across, but difficult.

    There are a few main areas of the map. Each side has a base, a man cannon to a rooftop, a giant building, a roof to the building, a giant bridge, an artificial tree fort and some cover rocks placed strategically in the dunes.

    Item List:
    Battle Rifle..................x6...............10 Sec.................2 Clips........
    Carbine.......................x4...............10 Sec.................2 Clips........
    Mauler.........................x2...............45 Sec.................1 Clip.........
    Needler.......................x2................180 Sec...............2 Clips.......
    Brute Shot...................x2................90 Sec.................2 Clips......
    Rocket Launcher..........x2................120 Sec...............0 Clips.......
    Beam Rifle..................x1................150 Sec................................

    Plasma Nade...............x8.................20 Sec................................
    Bubble Shield..............x2.................120 Sec...............................
    Regenerator.................x1................120 Sec...............................
    Grav Lift......................x1.................20 Sec................................
    Overshield...................x1................180 Sec...............................

    Ghost..........................x2................180 Sec...............................

    Download Modern Land


    Overview 1

    Overview 2

    One Base

    Other Base

    Side Artificial Tree Fort

    Closer Look

    Under the Fort

    Looking down the middle

    Beam Rifle Mid

    Big Bridges

    Inside Big Buildings

    Second Door LoS Blocker

    Roof Access

    Other Roof Access

    On Roof

    OV spawns inside that thing

    From the Dunes

    OV Spawn again

    Please Download Modern Land

    Also, I have not been able to test Modern Land because I cannot get a large enough party. Please leave comments so I know what to fix, improve, change, etc.

    Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy this with large parties to come!


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