i think ive seen the tut too.. anyways great job, it looks very real. my one suggestion is save the image as a .png... but other than that.. idk how to critique it lol
I was making fun of the fact that he posted the wrong code. I then realized I could find the web address within the code.
lol i get it. and lock, its called tilt-shift photography. thats a picture he took of his own(?) model helicopter and model people, then im assuming the BG you photoshopped in.. anyways, he took a picture of model helicopter and people, then blurs it so it looks realistic with depth
OH! So that's what he did All I can say : That's amazing, I thought you just got the picture off Google! It looks VERY Realistic it just completely amazing.
guess what thats actually a real picture that was photoshopped into looking like a model in fact heres the real picture (stock) Spoiler