Description On this map, the objective is to jump across the letters spelling out 'Bungie' and successfully go through the teleporter and receive the custom power-up, which then makes you almost invincible with over-shields etc. Bungie Staff Spawn Point Plot If your are the infected, you spawn on a blue lit platform with a small amount of suitable weapons to kill your opponent. As the infected you are deemed the 'Modder' and have been found by Bungie Staff and they are now on their way to Ban you. If you are not infected, you will spawn on the letter 'B' Of the word 'Bungie'. Before the game starts imagine the Modder had modified Sandbox, then the Words Bungie appear as well as the staff. Modder Spawn Point Pros A pro with the map would simply be that if the Bungie Staff spawn camp for 30 seconds, fusion coils will spawn and will be shootable by the Infected from his platform. Another pro is that if Bungie Staff is to camp behind one of the obelisks, then the Infected can simply fire upon the letter that the Bungie Staff is on in order to kill. No Spawn Camping! Cons As I have tested this map the man cannon has been said to be hard to get to. This is a positive side of the map, you have the plan your route in order to get where you want. The man cannon is easily accessible you just require a small amount of intelligence to get to it. This is my first map variant posted on Forge Hub Enjoy Is Alot Here Is The Links Map Variant - Modders Game Variant - Banhammer
Pretty cool idea. Almost like a simplified duck hunt.. with hammers of the gravity-altering variety. But it looks like you could have made Bungie look a a little nicer. It doesn't seem like it would work well with bigger parties though. Too many gravity hammer swings would cause everyone to go in a random direction. Maybe make the letters thicker?
This map is pretty well made. In fact I was having the same type of idea with the bungie staff member, but you beat me to it (exept in my varient the bungie staff was the infected person in the game and he could only have the hammer and he was much stronger than the modders). My map idea was way though I like your's. In my gametype though when the person being banned, aka the modder,was killed they would spawn as zombies, but they would be white and have poor camo, low grav, and would not be able inflict damage to the surviving modders damage, simulating the damned profile (the ghost) of the banned modder. I know my idea is fairly differenty but the concept is similar, do you think I should pursue this idea?
Wow great job! The idea is really good and the gameplay must be fun. Also just the thought of being a bungie staff sounds pretty beast. The Bungie is made pretty good but maybe you could of added the little bounce trail.
Yeah you should defiantly, I prefer people to take my ideas and adapt them as well as using their own ideas and adding in great bits into them, go ahead sounds great.