Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Duckman620, Sep 25, 2008.

  1. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    MAP NAME: well i couldnt think of name for the map so i justed named it after one of my favorite songs.(i do this for a lot of my maps)
    -phobia(music album)
    -dyer maker,your lookin at it
    -renegade,map not released yet
    -toxcitity(music album),map not released yet
    MAP DESCRIPTION:dyer maker is a symetrical mlg based map. there is a center piece that holds the mauler and has three structures sticking out of the sideds of it. the two structures out two the right and left of the map each have a br and a plasma pistol, the structure that sticks out towards the giant annoying wall in foundry has the rocket launcher and four plasma grenades. then on the opposite side of the rocket launcher is the sniper. All around the center piece are four little bases where your team can set up at(fancy term for camp:) Then unlike most maps i used the back section of foundry also.
    GAMETYPES: team slayer(mlg version)
    capture the flag(mlg version)
    battle rifle/45sec/2clips/16 on map
    covenent carbine/30sec/2clips/14 on map
    plasma pistols/20sec/3 on map
    sniper rifle/180sec/1clip/1 on map
    rocket launcher/180sec/0clip/1 on map
    mauler/90sec/1clip/1 on map
    active camo/180sec/1 on map
    plasma grenades/10sec/11 on map
    frag grenades/10sec/6 on map

    well those are all of the pics (i know theres a lot of them)
    also i ?nead? some help on testing quite a few of my maps and would very much appreciate it if a few of you(7) would help me test them out. and your name would get to be in mentioned in those maps threads, oh boy lol


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