Okay, so I've come up with what I feel has potential for a cool gametype; MLG Zombies! However, the biggest testing session I've been able to put together was a sex person game on MLG LDown, and it was lagging like hell. So I was wondering if some of you MLG fans could help me by testing out my gametype: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Humans are you typical MLG stats. Zombies are slighly faster, start with SMGs, and do 50% damage, but are otherwise very similiar to the humans.
i could be really mean and nasty and say that this idea is bloody ridiculous.. but i'll just say.. Do you even understand why MLG succeeds? :S
This is NOTHING like standard infection. It forces teamwork out of both Zombies and Humans. Zombies can pick up weapons whenever they want. Howeer, their decreased damage makes them shy away from the BR. Instead, they 'spray and pray' nature of the SMG makes it far more favorable for the zombies. Have three SMGs take out a guy's shield and a fourth BR him in the head.
Yes. And that is part of the fun of this; it forces a whole new teamwork aspect. When your a human, your working with friends and foes alike to survive. When your a zombie, your working with your former enemies to gain points and win by killing your former friends. I feel this captures the zombie element perfectly.
My abandoned gametype is kinda like this, its a varient of SOB, it makes all the little kiddies moan so I think that ticks one box of MLG. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Its been tested and works well, and its ****ing funny. Its limited ammo to make it more fair.