the v2 seems better, but i would change up the middle. i dont like how as soon as you walk down that ramp to ground level you can see all the way across to the other teams base ramp
The view to the other team's base was on purpose. Unless you have a sick team shot, nobody is going to get any kills across that at the start. MLG Onslaught is very similar to this, also. They have huge open bases and a direct view to the enemy base, but very few people get kills like that.
The manner in which Forgehub members regard MLG and its game types hurts my brain. I wanted to quote some faults and set them straight but as I reached further down the thread they became much too numerous and would consume a good portion of my time to properly address all of them. I guess I'll mainly drive this post towards the actual map and the maker seeing as that's the topic of this thread. Firstly, gameplay on Onslaught and Amplified is very different from each other and in no way should be regarded as "similar" maps. Sure both can be deemed arena style maps but both offer different mechanics; apart from team shooting which is almost necessary in all maps, competitive or not. Secondly you shouldn't be actually aiming to just make another run of the mill MLG map. That's not the point of map creation and completely misses the creative mark. Sure all competitive maps can follow a basic set of guidelines that allow for great gameplay but should never really follow identical design paths. Unique structure and geometry in a map is a great way to gain your map lot's of attention. Lastly is the actual map design itself. While you may have a semi unique center structure, I see heavy inspiration from, no surprise here, Onslaught and Amplified, along with some fairly basic team bases. The one thing people need to start understanding is that Amplified and Onslaught were created as arena style maps to try and imitate the gameplay from Halo 2's Midship, however these two maps have continued to "inspire" maps of their styling and it really needs to stop. Those maps have seen their heyday and need to be put to rest to allow space for newer, more well designed maps that will fit with Reach's gameplay style. But that's just my opinion.
Thanks for the input, and i see where you're coming from. I'm actually in the process of making a v3 as the map still has quite a few faults. And on a side note, i would like to point out that this is not supposed to be a serious MLG map. I put MLG in the title because that's the play style i wanted it to have, it doesn't necessarily mean its "MLG" in the commonly view sense.