Hi. I was working for a long time on a MLG 4vs4 map, so i'm here today to present it to everyone. It name's MLG Vestige. Let's have a look : Base : Right Carabine : Left Carabine : Top Mid : Vue d'ensemble : Gametypes - MLG CTF 5 Flag MLG Team Slayer MLG Bomb Zealot MLG FFA Arme - x1 Esquive x8 DMR x4 Carabine x1 Lance Grenade
Looks like a neatly forged and fun map I like how you have added quite a bit of cover around weapon pickup areas and flags. Seems like you had fun forging this and thats always one of the most important parts of forging. This maps design reminds me alot of onslaught was it perhaps a inspiration for vestige?
Sorry if I write badly, but I use a translator! I took the outline of a map provided on the Forum and I MLG Expands Reach for Halo of course I was asked if he is the creator were agreed and said not my problem! The map is a mix between Onesloth and Amplified!