The map was really put out there to see if it would be popular enough to port forth the time needed for perfect interlocking. The first version was really just focusing on gameplay, which IMO succeeded and is my favorite map because it is the best of both worlds since it runs competitively but is also took some creativity unlike the other MLG forge maps right now. Even if this or its successor doesn't get picked up (even though it should), it is still putting competitive forging in the right direction. If you check the forums over there, there are about 4 asymmetric maps or sketch ups going around. The creator of this map and a more experienced forger (the creator of Amplified) are doing a complete overhaul on the map to make it a little larger, change a few other things, clean it up, and make it unbreakable.
sorry but i had to. Hellen Keller really liked Amp too. I can't begin to rant about how much this map sucks. I did 3v3 TS here a while back, it is unbelievably easy to spawn trap here . Also theres hardly any room to BR, and the layout is crude at best. The center is more aesthetic than anything. No matter how perfectly you can merg with geo, interlock, and money glitch, this map managed to blow. I really think MLG should have dropped Amp once they saw it. Lockdown v4 is leagues better than Amp. Although the spawns only work for team games still - the gameplay and smoothness of this map are phenominal. I think its absurd that they would choose a mediocre at best map over a breathtaking map with a few fixable flaws. ???? I apologize but what? First of all, this is one of the most open maps I've ever played, I mean you spawn facing your opponents. I don't know why everyone hates Onslaught so much. The layout is very basic, but its still so smooth and plays relatively well with the exception of trying to get up to your base from the front in all of the versions. The new version pretty much makes it nonstrategic to try, because in the two or three times you try crouch jumping onto the doors you could have just gone around to the stairs and gotten the flag again. Besides that, this map is a lot of fun, plays really fast, and always reflects skill - something I always look for in a map. I don't like maps where you can just control an area and you have the game, I like well balanced maps - and Onslaught is a great example of this. Texas Horn -> you were talking about a map called Legacy? I've never heard of it before, could you please link me or something? You should add me, I play a lot of MLG customs so if your ever up for some that be great. I'm also working on a mlg style map right now, so maybe I could get your opinion.
Legacy The quote of me and the Hellen Keller comment were unnecessary. I agree with you Onslaught because I thought the old one was decent, but I really like the new one. Amplified on the other hand, I don't agree with you. The map isn't as bad as you make it seem. And if you didn't know, making competitive maps in foundry is very difficult. The map is better than mediocre, but I will agree that it isn't up to circuit standards. Since Lockdown hadn't/hasn't released the final version yet, they chose Amplified as a transition map IMO. I don't think that it will make v6 when Legacy, Lockdown, HANGOUT, Inertia and Pinacle (two great unrecognized maps by Feign), Stockpile, Different Level, and Embezzlement would all make better circuit picks. For those of you that don't know what maps I am talking about, visit the link below. It is a database of the best 10 MLG maps (for categories like asymmetric, symmetric 2 base and 4 base, FFA maps, and others) over at the MLG Forge Forum. Competitive Map Database Edit: New Hangout version has been released (you can find the new one on the link above), and I would love to run competitive customs with you, nasty and anyone else that is interested. I really want to give the new Hangout a run through in a little bit here.
bnasty, I'm really surprised that you aren't a regular troller over at the MLG website since like to play MLG maps as much as you say. I check it out a lot and I can't even compete with the hardcore MLG players. There are some pretty good maps that have come from there. Man, the completed version of The Hangout is out already? Damn that was fast. I'm going to get it now.
not quite completed its v.99, but its pretty much the final thing. It pretty much inescapable now, and features several gameplay improvements.
Idk - it seems like one of those sites where no matter what you do you'll get yelled at for some stupid reason or another. I think everyone takes it a little bit too seriously there, which is partially what i like about forgehub. I still lurk the forums every now and then though.
I agree. One time I made a topic on the normal forums about something the pros did and ten minutes later the thread had reached the point where I was getting negative rep., everyone was saying how all 08 kids expect pros gameplay to be montages, and every post said something about the thread failing even though it was a legit question. Since then, I have only posted on the forge board every once in a while except for now since I am so interested in Hangout and other asymmetric maps. I can't really get bashed for giving feedback on a map when I can on something about gameplay. I am about to hop online to test Hangout if any of you want to join me. Excuse my grammar (I'm on my phone).
thanks for the offer byt my internets whack today. i have to fix that double post here in a minute. but i can't right now. i should be on tomorrow/weekend. I have an extensive layout that i just need to forge. i already have one of th emain bases done-ish, so i want to make a lot of progress on that this weekend.
I am a big fan of guardian oddball and lockout oddball probably my favorite kind of matches other than a straight slayer match. Onslaught has always been one of my favorite maps but i do agree those doors arent really to easy to jump up but i really like their changes and its good to hear spawns have been "fixed" on all maps ill see this when i play some more mlg.
The problem with oddball blackout, is that theres tons of little niches with the map. THey haven't taken the distinct liberty of saying "no, this is part of the map, you can't go here" (the only problem I have with MLG). So until they do that, I will enjoy oddball, because i will be able to use my hardcore jumping skills, and be unkillable with the ball, even if I do have a waypoint. But i'm sure this will change within the next 2 or 3 weeks. actually, i'll put money on that.