MLG Triumph V1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by II-ROB-Il, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. II-ROB-Il

    II-ROB-Il Ancient
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    Link to DL: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    Hey, this is a map i have been working on for the past month or so now and it uses the full use of foundary. I no i no your probably already thinking not going to work, but i have found a way to get full use of the map to have great game play, and make the spawns work to play a smooth game. Now even if you dont like the sound of it, i encourage you DL and try it out because im sure you will be surprized.

    Any how the map has some characteristics of the pit and works well for TS, CTF, KOTH, and Oddball. Almost everthing has been Geoed or Merged together to provide smooth gameplay. I think this will open a new way foundary could be played, something a little different from the Ons/Amp style foundary maps were all used to. There is not a whole lot of cover but with the correct settups the little bit can make for stronge points. The map is fairly fast moving and takes good team work to be most effective.

    For the weapons i wanted to try get as much use of the MLG weapons as possible without making it riduculas. I no it may seem like alot but during the testing it seemed to work very well. Im up for running more tests so hit me with a FR and we can play, im also up for more ideas to make this map the best it can be.

    Please leave comments/feedback any type of feedback is great, hopefully we can get this to work. Thanks.

    4 carbines 030s 2 spare clips
    6 BRs 010s 2 spare clips
    1 Rocket 180s 1 spare clip
    1 Mauler 120s 1 spare clip
    1 Sniper 120s 1 spare clip
    1 Plasma Pistol 090s
    5 sets of Plasmas 030s
    4 sets of Frags 010s
    OS 120s

    Looking over the level from above OS area

    OS area

    Back area of A side

    Looking at OS from B corner

    Looking from B3 to A3

    Looking from A corner to A side/ Blue platform and back area

    Looking at B3 and B corner
    #1 II-ROB-Il, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  2. El1te Shad0w

    El1te Shad0w Ancient
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    This map is very nicely made i like it. everything is clean. nicely done. The one thing you need changed is the thread title. it has to be the name of your map and nothing else. so you just need to nicely ask a mod or someone like that to change it for you. but overall awsome. 4/5
  3. SeVeR

    SeVeR Ancient
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    Looks nice. Good use of interlocking. I might give it a DL.
  4. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    love the interlocking and i love the neatness of this map. i will have to give it a 5/5 for the perfectness. although make just a few more cover spots
  5. x Dropkicked x

    x Dropkicked x Ancient
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    Woah. That actually looks like a Bungie made map. I mean it, okay so it'd be in a different setting, etc, but it has the fundamentals, cover, open spaces, good structures and a even layout. Very impressed actually.
  6. Rentless

    Rentless Ancient
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    This map does look very good, but I think your weapon choices were not to good.

    I believe theres to many power weapons, maybe 2 is enough.
    Just a snipe and mauler.
  7. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    Great use of interlocking
  8. TargetPractice

    TargetPractice Ancient
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    looks a lil open
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Please keep comments like this out of these threads. They are hardly constructive criticism and do the map's author absolutely no good whatsoever in terms of how the map plays (Telling someone how much you like their interlocking skills is not relevant to how the map plays, just so you know). Just download the map, play a game or two with some friends, then come back and tell the author what you did or didn't like about it and possible ways it could improve. This can only help the community become better at Forging, which is what we're all supposed to be about here. Remember?

    I'm going to be perusing these map forums a little more aggressively, and I'll be handing out -rep to people who keep posting comments that hold no weight as to how the map functions, and reporting the posts of those who have their rep disabled.
  10. Like 50 newbs

    Like 50 newbs Ancient
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    Great map! Love the look, nice geo-merging!

    Doesn't look like much is going on in the open spaces, might wanna add some more Aesthetic touches to make the map a little less open.

    Other than that I rate this map a 5/5! Nice map!
  11. WheezyMoney

    WheezyMoney Ancient
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    it appears as though rob has joined forge hub. cool. i liked this map when i tested it and some of the geo merging in this map is ridiculous. i'd download it but i already have it.
  12. II-ROB-Il

    II-ROB-Il Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks guys, if you could keeps the feedback coming that would be great, im going to be working on V2 very shortly i think.
    WheezyMoney likes this.
  13. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    I don't understand what people are talking about. This map has plenty of cover on it, yet it is open enough to allow good angles for teamshooting.

    The map seems as smooth as Hype was (my favorite MLG map). I would take out the rockets, and add an extra clip to the sniper. This is just my suggestion, but whenever I'm playing Foundry maps, I feel it is too close-quartered to allow rockets.

    I'll download as soon as I fix my Windows Live and can log onto Bungie again.
  14. Albino Dave

    Albino Dave Ancient
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    I like how you geomerged that double box with the area with the stairs coming from the narrow hallway. It allows for a larger platform. I shall download and give a 5. Well thought out map.
  15. Techne

    Techne Ancient
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    I like how you used Foundry's back rooms instead of blocking them off which has become some what of a standard in most MLG maps. The weapon layout looks even enough and I have no idea what that kid was talking about to many power weapons. I see a Rocket and Sniper, nothing out of the ordinary to say the least. I'm going to que this and try it out later.
    #15 Techne, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  16. WheezyMoney

    WheezyMoney Ancient
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    you spelt foundry wrong.....
  17. FordCalvin

    FordCalvin Ancient

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    I am not a big fan of MLG but this is not bad at all. You have really good interlocking and Geo-merging.
  18. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    Well you did implement your idea to form a new layout for Foundy. Although what most people don't know MLG is supposed to be Arena gameplay. So that one side has no advantage to a Source of power upon the map, thus meaning the layout of the map is symmetrical, and has no hiding locations.
    This also leads to very intense gameplay that is required for MLG. The best example I have of this is MLG Onslaught, it follows every direct rule of MLG.

    Although your map is good, it looks like you put much time into this, which is very good. So for this pacients I give you 4.5/5, so now that you know how MLG maps are supposed to be created I hope you implemet that well into the comstruction of your next map.

  19. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Well, this isn't like most Foundry maps. I did not find the sniper used much though because there aren't many lines of sight that let you do anything more than a couple no scopes, and it is out of the way of most of the fighting. The map looks great and is innovative, but I just don't think the gameplay works for Foundry. I don't think it is anything you did wrong either, but Foundry maps just don't work well for 4's if they aren't open (as much as I love Hangout, Mecro, Emperical, etc).

    Squid, I'm glad your cracking down after Lightz's post.

    And you have the wrong coach in your sig...
  20. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Everything is nicely interlocked and smooth. The layout is good and I like the merged power ups.

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