Hi there , There is one of the rare map made on Ghost Town and this one is based on MLG Style.The map is made on half of the entire map and formed like a ''U'', the center piece and both side of the map are blocked by a wall. Some object are added to make the map more fluid. Maybe the pictures are bad but i'm sure that you will like this map, then just download and try it. Tristram v.1: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Weapon list: -Battle Riffle (x4) -Carabine (x4) -Sniper (x1) -Mauler (x1) -Plasma Grenade (x10) Game Variant list: -Slayers (MLG) -Capture The Flag (MLG) Pictures: Link to other maps: Castle War v.1 Undying v.1 Tristram v.1: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing [By: oOJayProOo]
i would have never thought of an MLG map on Ghost Town. Nicely Done! I love it when people think of stuff that no one ever did. Keep up the good work and i look foward to seeing more from you.