To be fair, the first two events the chemistry was messed up because Gandhi wasn't practicing as much because it was his senior year, and the last event was their first event with Anarchy. I could see them placing top 4 ala Ambush. DGK (Dirty Ghetto Kids) is going to take Toronto... seriously though, the team has one of the nastiest team shots for a semi (well, they are pro now). I think Triggers Down will take first since they aren't surrounded by the team changes as much as the other top 4 teams, and Mackeo is going to shut up the haters once and for all. Honestly, the top 4 teams are interchangeable, but I am cheering for Triggers Down because everyone is jumping on FB's, Str8's, and Instinct's bandwagon. I hope that their isn't a new champion because there hasn't been a repeat champion yet. I also want to see Snipedown suffer for being a punk and not sticking with a team that won 1st with ease.
Fair enough, I still don't think they can win it. I liked TD more before the changes. Not just cause they had Snipedown, cause now they have Mackeo. I'm not really a fan of his. He always seemed iffy to me, he is too much of an emotional player. I'm not a hater though, lol, he has got to be the best communicator on the circuit, along with some pretty good strategies. If what everybody said was true, I think Snipedown's move was fine, considering he thought he might have been dropped. That is of course if nobody lied, which I wouldn't doubt. And he was moving to a higher ranked seed. Moving down a seed *cough*Neighbor*cough* is the questionable move.
I don't. All Snipedown cared/cares about is the money, and when the crazy team changes were going down, he completely used that situation to come off as a good guy (when in reality, even if Elamite was offered before Snipedown jumped ship, it was obvious he would leave if he was given the opportunity) since all he cares about is what the community thinks about him. You really can't blame tD for wanting to have someone that would be dedicated to the team (Mackeo). How is being an emotional player bad? Would you rather have someone like T2 and Mackeo, who care about their profession and have worked their ass off and are great leaders or someone like Snipedown or Neighbor, who although are great players, are only in it for sponsorships. I'm not buying the whole "improving my situation" thing either because it isn't like those two guys weren't making money with their current teams. On Mackeo, I really think people get wayyyyy to caught up in roles in Halo 3. These guys are pros, and if you don't think Mackeo can get a clutch no scope or be the main slayer when the team needs him too, you are mistaken. There are some players that tend to play a support role or slayer role more often, but none of the pro players are lacking the individual skill. Sure, roles are a great idea for a new team where there actually might be a skill gap, but I assure that Mackeo or any other pro for that matter can go big when needed. Player tendencies aren't the only thing that affects who is the main slayer and who isn't. Team chemistry has an effect on this too. Mackeo had to concentrate completely on coaching his team and calling out with Instinct, but now that he is on tD with another great leader in SK, he will shut some people up (watch his PoV on Narrows and Guardian where he goes big with the new team). People can hate on Mackeo all day, but the guy gets the job done and has the tournament finishes to prove that. I am really disappointed that Str8 picked up Snipedown because I used to be a big fan of theirs. Not only are they sick to watch, they actually seem like cool guys to hang out with outside of Halo. Sure, T2 sounds like an idiot in his tips and acts like an ass when he is playing Halo, but most people just envy him (for making money by telling bad kids to pick up camo and rockets on Standoff), and when he was running his mouth against FB in Orlando, it sure did work (especially when Ogre1 missed an easy rocket kill). Snipedown just seems like a cocky douchebag when it comes to Halo because he is too damn nerdy to run his mouth other than on the internet. Not only did Neighbor seem like a cooler guy, I think he is much more consistent than Snipedown, who will go off with sniper once and have guys riding his **** to no end. From T2's and SK's blog, I really lost respect for Snipedown (if I had any to begin with) and Neighbor, and my respect for T2 and Mackeo has sky-rocketed. Sky rockets in flight, bewww, afternoon delight.
Don't get me wrong, I still think Snipedown is a punk. He is just really fun to watch, and I'll still be rooting for Str8. I, too, gained a ton of respect for Mackeo (who I always thought was a jerk and stuck-up), T2, and Elamite, and lost a lot for Neighbor and the Ogres. Snipedown was given the opportunity to leave before Elamite was offered, and he stayed with TD. But that is beside the point, I can definitely understand why you hate him. There isn't anything wrong with being an emotional player. I guess that wasn't the right word, but Mackeo lets his emotions get to him during a match or tourney too much. If they lose a series or a game they should have won, Mackeo seems to get down and stop playing as well. But then it also goes the other way, and he can go into beast mode if they are doing well. T2 doesn't get down on his emotions nearly as much as Mackeo does. And yes, I think all players in the top 8-6 teams can come up clutch at any time, and I've seen Mackeo be that guy. There are a couple things I'm interested in seeing at Toronto: A) Str8? Will Snipedown replace Neighbor? Better or worse? B) FB? What is Neighbor going to do for them? C) TD? What are there strats going to be like? How are they going to work with him? D) Instinct? I'm pretty sure Soviet can replace Victory, but can Walshy replace Mackeo? E) Who will win? Best event thus far, by far.
Lucky, there are no events near me ): I definitely would not be surprised if that happens. Maybe Karma will get on a good team!
str8 won, but my clans team got top 50 even tho they got together 3 weeks before the competition... (i know u guys prob dont care lol)
Str8 Rippin. They rockzzzz. I think they win because they won. Final Boss(Last Time They Where 9th When I Saw Them). I LUVS STR8 RIPPEN HAHAHAHA
What about straight trippin? (My 2v2 team) But in all seriousness.. Final Boss are looking really good Neighbor is really good. As long as they get some good team chemistry going, I don't see why they can't win it