Foundry MLG Tightwire

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Zell X v2, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. Zell X v2

    Zell X v2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The "Zell X v2" gamertag is the one & only creator of MLG Tightwire.
    Supports MLG Gametypes: TS, CTF.

    Callout: Top Base or Flag (red,blue)

    Bottom Base
    Callout: Bottom Base (red,blue)

    B Corner
    Callout: B Corner (red,blue)

    A Corner
    Callout: A Corner (red,blue)

    B side
    Callout: Top B

    Bottom B

    Callout: Bottom B

    A side
    Callout: Top A

    Bottom A
    Callout: Bottom A

    Callout: Top Mid & Bottom Mid

    Special thanks:


    DL: MLG Tightwire
    #1 Zell X v2, Mar 5, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2010
  2. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks strikingly familiar to i think idea not good enough to play mlg....but it also looks like u put ur own spin onto it and it looks nice. but still too much like the map mentioned above.....(correct me if it isnt amplified)
  3. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its like you just mashed Onslaught and Lockdown together. Considering both of those maps are based loosely on Midship, this map isn't much of a departure from either one. Yes, the two base two side tower structure works well, but nobody is going to be impressed without some more innovation. I'd suggest you move on to Sandbox and try building a map based on maybe Construct, or The Pit, or an original design, something that isn't done so often.

    And to the above poster, this map looks to me like I said, like a mix of Onslaught and Lockdown, but since Amplified was ALSO loosely based on Midship, there are going to be similarities.
    #3 Ladnil, Mar 5, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2010
  4. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I thought the same exact thing. B side has a bit of Ignite in it too.

    It looks nicely forged and all, but nothing away from the norm. If you've seen Soloist's Hennessy, it's a two base on Foundry, but it is very unique, mostly because he strayed away from the typical 45 and 90 degree angles.
  5. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    yea this combines the elements of amp, ignite, lockdown, and onslaught (sry for repeating).

    Nothing original, but its still "new," and nicely forged, so its still a good map.
  6. SMGstrings

    SMGstrings Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    So which one is the daddy? Lockdown or Onslaught? It looks like a nice map, but yeah as its been said before 2 bases and 2 side towers has been done to death.
  7. j0llyfish

    j0llyfish Forerunner

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    Two bases, two towers, and like twenty bagillion maps like this i have saved on my HDD. As most would probably expect from a FH user, everytime i download a map, i have to first delete another map in its place so that my 100 custom spots aren't filled.

    Seeing as how i have (and will keep) Onslaught, Amplified, and Lockdown, i can't see myself or many others in my position deleting a previous saved map to make room for such a clichéd map.

    If i wanted to have a great time playing MLG customs with my friends on a map that you control through towers, then i would use those previously stated, because i already know that it plays well and therefore am guaranteed that it will be fun.

    Don't get me wrong though, your map does truly look amazing. I wish i could forge like that. :)

    Also, this is only the opinion of one person who hasn't even played this map yet. As said before me, the map lacks the originality that most people look for.

    So, i hope that anyone who DOES have the space for it, downloads it. But for the people in my situation with too many maps saved, just make sure you delete your Onslaught map for this:)
  8. Zell X v2

    Zell X v2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes, my map is very similar to lockdown, amplified and onslaught. I do not like to play the maps lockdown and amplified. I only have a few ideas from the maps taken out, because I think they are good.
    I knew that the map is not well assessed. I think the map is great... although I had little ideas. it is forged good and that's what matters most.

    ps: sorry, my english is very bad xDDD google tools
    #8 Zell X v2, Mar 30, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2010
  9. II Atsoca II

    II Atsoca II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map is pretty much a amp, ons, lockdown combo. not complaining about it, but it has alot of the same elements as the others.
  10. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can't deny the resemblance to Lockdown and Amplified. It's good map but lacks originality.
  11. ilikenachosdou

    ilikenachosdou Ancient
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    hey yo cut this guy some slack, i think its a good map, but i have to agree with the other guys that this looks afuly familiar to lockdown and amplified
  12. Gram

    Gram Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Alright, let's go; let's see how close I can get - *without looking*: "Onslaught!, Zenith!, Lockdown!, Ignite!, Hype!..."

    EDIT: Alright, you 'gotta' admit, I was pretty close lol for not looking.
    #12 Gram, Apr 24, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2010
  13. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not to be negative, but that looks like 80% of all the other Foundry MLG maps. There's nothing that creative. The middle looks like it got stolen from Onslaught. In fact, I'm pretty sure that IS from Onslaught. That's really pathetic that you say you are the sole creator of the map, yet you didn't give Salot any credit for the portion of the map you used. Real professional.
    #13 Love Slice, May 15, 2010
    Last edited: May 15, 2010
  14. Kilenum

    Kilenum Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Just an amazing map one this site should be proud to have in it's pages.
  15. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    These words right here, these exact words are how I would describe the map I'm working on right now. I tool inspiration from The Pit, and Construct to create my own unique design. If anyone is interested, message me. I'll probably be releasing preview screenshots soon.

    Anyways,back on topic. Don't take the critisism from these guys as mean and rude, but instead use it to make a better version of your map. From what I can see, this map is dull and boring. If you have left over objects, use them to create asthetics and to change up the map a bit so it doesn't look so much like Onslaught or Lockdown. If you need help with ideas I'd be glad to help. Message me if you need anything.

  16. Pzycho

    Pzycho Ancient
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    Looks like a mix of Amp and Onslaught.

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