MLG Tempest V1 Download About the map: This map is basically a solution to all of the problems I’ve had with all of the MLG maps built out of foundry, Onslaught and Amplified. Flag runs on Onslaught always seemed to short, and there are always long lines of sight in the maps. Tempest was built to lengthen flag run times and shorten lines of sight, it’s really a practice map that focuses on flag support and close-range BRing. It looks a little crowded in the pictures, but I’ve ran some games in it, and it plays fine. About the build of the map: I built everything myself, except for the line of double boxes geo-merged into the walls for the bases, and the wall. I could have done it myself, but I figured it was a waste of time if I did the exact same thing they already had. The side structures are geo-merged, as are the double open boxes in the bases. There is a lot of interlocking; in fact, about 70% of the pieces of this map are interlocked. Tempest is symmetrical except for the A/B signs (duh) and the stairs/ledges in the center. Weapons on map: Battle rifle X 6 –two spare clips– 30 sec. Carbine X 2 – two spare clips- 30 sec. Mauler X 1 – one spare clip – 2 min. Grenades on map: Plasma Grenade X 4 - 10 sec. Fragmentation Grenades X 8 - 30 sec. Center Structure: Sorry, I couldn’t get any good angles for an over view, so we’ll with the Center structure: Mauler spawns in the center, proper MLG drop spawn/thing: On each side, opposite the stairs is a small ledge that can be stood on/ jumped off of: A view to the base from the center: Side Structures: They consist of one double box geo-merged into the ground, and one double box geo-merged into the wall. Against the wall is a carbine. At the front of the side structure, between the signs, are two plasma grenades. Two barriers provide some cover. Close up on the Carbine spawn/ barriers: Bridges: The bridges are raised paths that run above the side structures and are made mostly of, OMG NO WAY!, bridges. On each side there are two walls interlocked into them, allowing players from below to jump up off of the signs. There is a BR in the center of each bridge. Uh… A bridge: Bases: The bases are symmetrical, and provide 4 ways of entry from each side: jump from the doors to the top front, through the bottom and jump on the crates to the top, up the stairs on the sides, or through the double open box from the bridges. They each have a “crest” on the top, made of a wall on its corner, interlocked into the bridge. It not only restricts the view to the center (that’s a good thing) and makes it harder for a carrier jump, slowing down the flag movement (also intentional). They’re kind of bland, I started running out of items, and if someone would help me out with this, that would be great. Overview: Jump from the bottom (jumping on a crate, then up to the base): A view from the top of the crest: A few other pictures: There is a dumpster placed in about the middle of the space between the corners of the center structure and the corners of the map (there’s four, picture diagonal lines), they provide a great temporary cover, and there is a BR behind each one. This is me at the very top of the map. I’m standing on the wall corner that you see at the top of the center structure in the very first picture. And yes, it is accessible in a regular slayer match. Any suggestions for this map would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to help me forge a V2, that would be even better. I took me about four hours to forge this, so I’m wasted. I’m gunna take a nap. Bye.
hey this map is very complex and very unique in its own little way because of the walls sticking up out of the floor just by the points.Very nice forging,keep it,could be a little neater though
Its good but there is not a lot of room for playing, there is too much cover, if u would just take a couple stuff of like the angled wall at each base and the corner wallz on top f the double boxez, but otherwise really good
Looks pretty good, Except the bridge part. The bridge could use some cover. I would not enjoy getting BR'd in the face while returning a flag.
Yeah, I was planning on putting in some more cover on the bridges for a V2. Keep in mind, though, that the map is supposed to be crowded. Its built for close range BR-ing and flag support. And a problem with removing the wall corners, is that that isn't a double box. Its a double open. I also ran out of walls, bridges, double boxes, and a few other things... so if you have any ideas for recycling the structures, that would be great.